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9 Things that Every Husband Should Do For a Would-be Mother

When it comes to pregnancy, dads are often left clueless. Starting from carrying the baby to giving birth to the baby, everything is done by mom, so what about the husbands? Even fathers can give their best during the pregnancy time. If the dads are actively involved then moms can have a better pregnancy experience. Men or future dads are need to share the overall responsibility, mental pressure, and the changes that have already started to happen in a mother’s life.

9 Things that Every Husband Should Do For a Would-be Mother

9 Things that Every Husband Should Do For a Would-be Mother

We have tried to analyze the complete situation, and thus below mentioned is the guideline all husbands should try to follow:

  1. Be With Her as Often as You Can

    Pregnancy makes every woman scared, for a lot of things which are natural and known to all, and this happens especially if it is a first time pregnancy. Husbands need to take care of this situation and comfort the mom-to-be with everything that cheers her up. Husbands should try and accompany their wives to all the routine medical check-ups, as this builds a stronger bond between the two. Pregnancy is the time when women go through a lot of changes in the body, both hormonal and changes in the outer appearance as well. A Dad-to-be need to make sure to be a partner in all aspects, and tell his wife how beautiful she looks even when she is gaining pregnancy weight to make her feel loved and special.

  2. Contribute in Preparations

    From the first time, you hear the good news that your wife is pregnant, there are a lot of preparations to be made. You need to take care of the availability of the medicines, the things you wife craves for during the period of pregnancy, and all that’s required in the labor room; a husband should be involved in all these aspects together with his wife. This is where as a husband the man should be active, so that he has an idea about how the real situation differs from what you read in papers or see it on screens.

  3. Listen and Talk

    Try and be more communicative with your wife. Your wife should feel free to communicate with you all that she feels so that she can share all her worries with you. Be patient and listen to what your wife has to say. For situations, which leave you clueless, try taking advice from experts who are available both online and offline. Divide the pregnancy fears, read good stories together, and let your wife feel the love you have for her. This will bring more sweetness and understanding in your relationship.

  4. Take Care of the Household Chores

    Ask your wife to relax as much as she wants. In this case, you could divide her responsibilities by taking some on your part. This relieves your wife from the physical stress that she puts herself into from daily chores of a household. Share the responsibilities of children that you might already have, and also try to control the household mess as much as possible.

  5. Cheer Her Up

    Pregnancy is the time for a lot of mood swings; you might wonder what went wrong that has put your wife in a bad mood. This is a time when a husband needs to understand the reason behind pregnancy mood swings and help your wife deal with them. Try and cheer her up as much as possible, raise her spirits and keep her in good mood as this also influences your baby in the womb.

  6. Be Strong

    Pregnancy comes with a lot of challenges, most of which have to be dealt with your wife. As a dad-to-be you need to get ready and strong enough to share the challenges that your wife might be facing in the current situation. Tell your wife that will solve all the issues that will come in between the entire process, as this is what the wives wish and want to hear.

  7. Join a Support Group

    Being a mother and father is a daunting task as it has huge responsibilities. You also need support not just from your family but also from other dads. You can get a lot of pointers from other dads. You can meet like-minded people who are in the same situation as you. You can share your feelings with other dads and also gain some insight from them.

  8. Be Caring

    You can do so many things for your wife during her pregnancy like run her hot baths, make her healthy foods, rub her feet, give relaxing massages, buy her favorite magazines, hold her hand etc. She is so tired, sick, peculiar and emotional during the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, so you need to bear with her and gives her all the support she needs. She needs your love, support and understanding a lot during these days. So try to support and love her as much as you can.

  9. Lift Her Spirits with These Activities

    There is so much to do during these special days, take a look at the activities mentioned below:

    • Get a customized slam book, and mention each day’s experience from both of you. This keeps both of you entertained during the pregnancy and you can keep it as a treasure to be read by your kids when they are capable to understand it.
    • Engage in photo shoots, the pregnancy moods, baby bump, and everything is so special about those special weeks. These photos will be cherished a lot as you both can refer to them every time you think about how beautiful the whole process was.
    • Take her for walks and talk about her day. This will definitely build a special bond between you two.

    This is how husbands or would-be-dads can make contributions in their own special way to their wife’s pregnancy. You can develop your own special creative ways to make your pregnant wife happy and satisfied, as the ultimate motive is to make her feel secure and special throughout her pregnancy.


Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 2, 2023

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