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What Are The Ways To Prevent Cholestasis Of Pregnancy & Does It Reoccur?

Obstetric cholestasis is a type of disorder, which affects the liver of a woman during her pregnancy. The problem causes the formation of various bile acids within the body. Skin itching without any rash is a prime symptom of the problem. However, the symptoms get better or go off automatically after a woman delivers her baby.(1)

What Are The Ways To Prevent Cholestasis Of Pregnancy?

What Are The Ways To Prevent Cholestasis Of Pregnancy?

A woman cannot prevent the problem of cholestasis of pregnancy during her trimesters. However, doctors may recommend genetic testing to identify the probability related to passing the same disorder on the unborn baby.(4)

Based on genetic testing, doctors recommend certain treatment and management procedures. These include the following-

Ursodeoxycholic Acid Medication: Doctors recommend for ursodeoxycholic medication for the treatment of cholestasis of pregnancy. The medicine helps in improving the ability of one’s liver to reduce the bile’s level in the patient’s blood and improves the liver functions.

Additional Treatment Options To Manage Cholestasis Symptoms: Besides the mentioned ursodeoxycholic medicine, doctors recommend additional treatment procedures to manage the symptoms related to pregnancy cholestasis. These are-

  • Take proper rest and get enough sleep
  • Intake anti-itching medications
  • Wear loose and soft clothes

Early Delivery Of The Baby: If medication fails to manage your symptoms or reduce the bile’s levels, your doctor may recommend for the early delivery of the baby. Early delivery reduces the risk related to any of the severe complications, like stillbirth i.e. death of the infant before it’s birth and premature birth i.e. birth of the baby before completing its full-time. In most cases, doctors induce labor during the 37th or 38th weeks of one’s pregnancy and in turn, reduces the risk related to any complication from cholestasis of pregnancy.(5)

Does Cholestasis Of Pregnancy Reoccur?

Most of the pregnant women and their family members often ask whether cholestasis of pregnancy reoccurs in any of the future pregnancies. The answer is yes and a woman remains at a high risk that obstetric cholestasis may take place in her future pregnancy. About 45% to 90% of women, who suffered from cholestasis of pregnancy developed it again in their future pregnancies. Hence, to reduce your chance of obstetric cholestasis in your future pregnancy, you should strictly any of the contraceptive pills, which contain estrogen and dedicate some time to discuss alternatives available instead of contraception.(6)

Symptoms Of Cholestasis Of Pregnancy

Severe itching, also known as pruritus is the prime symptom associated with the proper cholestasis of pregnancy. Accordingly, the problem of itching begins on the feet and hands of a pregnant woman, while spreads to various other body parts. Itching often becomes worse during the nighttime. However, the positive aspect is that the itching does not involve any type of rash. However, depending on the individual condition, a few of the women experience a few of the less common symptoms related to obstetric cholestasis. These include the following-

  • Light-colored stool
  • Dark-colored urine
  • Nausea
  • Extreme tiredness i.e. fatigues
  • Reduction in the appetite
  • Mild to severe form of pain or inflammation in the upper right area of the belly
  • Yellowing of the eyes and skin i.e. jaundice (2)

Causes Of Cholestasis Of Pregnancy

Until now, no one knows the exact cause of cholestasis of pregnancy. However, doctors predict that the problem takes place because of genetic aspects and in some cases, the condition continues in other family members. Also, doctors have identified a few of the specific genetic variants behind causing obstetric cholestasis.

Other than this, the problem may even take place because of pregnancy hormones, which often rise close you reach to your due date. Doctors consider that hormones may slow the regular bile flow. Bile refers to a digestive fluid produced in one’s liver and it helps in breaking down fatty substances in the digestive system. During pregnancy, bile builds within the organ only instead of leaving from the liver. Because of this, bile salts eventually enter one’s bloodstream to force a woman to feet itchy.(3)


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 6, 2020

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