Can You Control Seizures Without Medication?
Seizures are caused due to abnormal functioning of neural impulses in the brain. Treating seizures without medication is quite a controversial topic. This is because the causes of seizures may be different for different people and thus the treatment procedure may vary accordingly. For few people, medication work wonders while others may not even respond to medicated drugs. For such people, natural ways and alternative therapy are the only options to treat seizures. It is also important to understand that being completely dependent on medication is not a solution to control seizures. Lifestyle changes have to accompany in order to be cured of seizures.
What Are The Criteria To Stop The Medication For Controlling Seizures?
A few pieces of research show that children should be seizure free for a period of two years, and adults for two to five years before one should consider stopping the medication. Furthermore, in case of family planning, one might consider the same thinking about infertility and possibility of birth defects in the newborn. Whatever the case may be, the primary doctor should be strictly consulted before planning to stop the medication. A lot depends on the underlying cause of the seizure, which probably may not be epilepsy and thus it is important to have a talk with the doctor.
What Are The Benefits and Disadvantages Of Stopping The Medication For Controlling Seizures?
It is also important to understand the basic pros and cons that will be followed in the process. Some benefits include-
- As all medications bring alongside effects, the absence of medication will save the patient from such side effects.
- With no medication to think about, possible cost savings will accompany.
- Natural treatment methods will be used to control seizures. This makes the patient feel more positive about his health
- The possible disadvantages of not including medication to control seizures include-
- There is a massive possibility of the episodes of seizures to come back.
- The patient might feel psychologically less in control and unsure of the future.
- The patient may not be able to drive for a long period of time.
What Are The Ways To Control Seizures Without Medication?
The best way for a patient to control episodes of seizure will be best described by his doctor. This is because there are various factors which frame seizures in every person. Few of the methods to control seizure without medication include-
Introducing Vitamins and Minerals in Daily Diet- Deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals are known to bring various biological ailments including seizures. Some of the important vitamins that help fight seizures include vitamin B-6, vitamin E, vitamin D and magnesium. The Doctors advice to include rich sources of such vitamins in the daily diet of the patient.
- Dietary Changes- The doctors are of the view that certain dietary changes can help in the reduction of episodes of seizures. The best diet to follow for a patient have seizures is the ketogenic diet. Such a diet includes a higher ratio of healthy fats while lowering carbohydrate and protein content.
- Meditation and Biofeedback- A theory suggests that calming mind can help in getting rid of seizures. Patients are advised to indulge in meditation in order to calm his mind. Biofeedback uses electrical signals to alter brain waves. A study has shown that this can help control seizures in patients who do not respond to conventional medicines.
What Is The Best Method To Control Seizure?
Practically, only a doctor can advise the best method to control seizure for a patient. In a broader sense, taking the prescribed medicines along with bringing certain lifestyle changes can help in getting rid of seizures. When the doctor thinks it is safe, he might stop the medications.
- Epilepsy Foundation. (n.d.). Treatment Approaches.
- Epilepsy Society. (n.d.). Stopping Medication.
- Kwan, P., & Brodie, M. J. (2001). Early Identification of Refractory Epilepsy. New England Journal of Medicine, 345(5), 313–319.
- Mayo Clinic. (2021). Epilepsy Treatment: Can Epilepsy Be Treated Without Medication?
- Epilepsy Foundation. (n.d.). Complementary Therapy.
- Epilepsy Action. (2019). Seizure Management.
- Stafstrom, C. E., & Rho, J. M. (2012). The Ketogenic Diet as a Treatment Paradigm for Diverse Neurological Disorders. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 3, 59.
- Healthline. (2020). Biofeedback: Types, Benefits, and More.
- Devinsky, O., & Schachter, S. C. (2009). Treating Epilepsy: Patients and Medical Benefits. Epilepsy & Behavior, 15(4), 398–403.
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