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Is Fits Disease Hereditary?

Is Fits Disease Hereditary?

Fits disease, medically known as epilepsy is a condition occurring due to the generation of abnormal electrical impulses in the brain. Studies have shown that although genetic abnormalities may be some of the most important factors contributing to epilepsy, one cannot directly say that the fits disease is hereditary. Few types of epileptic fits have been traced to an abnormality in a specific gene. Nevertheless, it cannot be said that epilepsy is purely hereditary. With advances in medical research, it is getting clear that, genetic abnormalities play only a partly responsible role in the field of fits. The reason of this is that the probability of a person’s likelihood of having seizures is triggered by an environmental factor.

Is Fits Disease Hereditary?

To What Extent Do Genes Contribute To The Fits Disease?

The role of genes in fits disease may be present is quite un-noticeable ways. Studies have shown that some people suffering from epilepsy have an active version of a gene that makes them resistant to drugs. This is why; anticonvulsant drugs for few people may not work. Genes may also control a person’s chance of having episodes of seizures called the seizure threshold. It must be remembered that genes may also contribute to the development of fits among people with no family history of the same. This may occur due to a mutation in a fits related gene. Thus it is seen that there are genetic factors contributing to epilepsy in a patient, but this does not necessarily mean that it is hereditary.

Are Siblings Of Children With Epileptic Fits More Prone To Acquire The Same?

Although there might be a risk of a genetic tendency in the family of children with epilepsy for the same, most brothers and sisters do not develop fits disease so easily. Environmental factors play an important role, which is more important than hereditary in the field of epilepsy.

To What Extent Can An Adult With The Fits Disease Pass It On To His Child?

As it is known that heredity can play an important role in shaping the genes of an offspring, few statistics may clear out the point-

  • Studies show that the risk of kids whose father suffers from fits disease is slightly higher.
  • Maternal hereditary risks are comparatively less in case of epilepsy.
  • In cases where both the parents have had episodes of fits disease, the risk inevitably goes higher.

How Important Is It To Understand Genetic Epilepsy?

It is particularly important for healthcare professionals to stay alert and updated about the possibility and risks of genetic epilepsy. Genetic testing and counseling are crucial in order to understand the patient’s prognosis with the disease. It can also help for family planning purposes.

What to Remember When It Comes To Heredity And The Fits Disease?

It is a pretty obvious thought to cross a person’s mind having the fits disease that his child too might develop the same. However, it is crucial to understand few points-

  • The hereditary risk of passing the fits disease to the next generation is particularly low, if not false. The fits disease should never be a reason to not have children. It is possible to know about the genetic forms of epilepsy and understand its risk through medical testing.
  • It should be remembered that even if the child or children develop some kind of fits disease, the medical advancement can help one take control of the seizures. An important point is, epilepsy in most of the children go away by the time they reach adulthood.
  • Above all, it must be remembered that having the fits disease does not make a child less important. It can be readily controlled with proper medication and intervention.


  1. Epilepsy Foundation – Genetics and Epilepsy
  2. Mayo Clinic – Epilepsy: Genetics and Heredity
  3. Healthline – Is Epilepsy Hereditary?
  4. WebMD – Is Epilepsy Genetic?
  5. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke – Genetics and Epilepsy

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 9, 2023

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