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Myths Related To Vitamin E

Vitamin E is beneficial for the body in numerous ways. It keeps the immune system active and blood vessels healthy.

According to the National Institute of Health, vitamin E requirement for teenagers and adults is 15mg/day. (1) It increases for women who breastfeed to 19mg/day.

For children the vitamin E requirement is as follows:

  • 4-5 mg for infants
  • 6mg for 1-3 years old
  • 7mg for 4-8 years
  • 11 mg for 9-13 years

Vitamin E can be obtained naturally from vegetable oils, nuts and seeds, avocadoes, and other fats.

Smoking, exposure to harmful rays of the sun, and air pollution can deplete the scores of the vitamin in the body and thus lead to deficiency.

There are numerous claims that show the importance of vitamin E as an antioxidant, playing a role in fighting various conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, age-related vision loss, and even cancer.

Also, there are numerous cosmetic racks that contain products containing vitamin E claiming a variety of skin benefits such as reversing skin damage. Vitamin Ccan be used topically on the skin or can also be swallowed as a capsule.

Are these claims true or just some myth is yet to be researched. Let’s find out:

Myths Related To Vitamin E

Vitamin E and other antioxidants have undergone research to know their ability in solving disease.

It has been promoted as an enhancer and restorer of sexual and reproductive functions, hailed as an antidote to aging and air pollution, a promoter of athletic prowess, and preserver of visual functions. It has also been claimed to treat vaginal dryness, premenstrual syndrome, breast cysts, circulatory disorders of legs, and heart pains of angina.

There are a few myths related to vitamin E and they need to be busted. These are supported by some researches and studies.

There are still researches going on to verify the various claims that are related to this wonder vitamin.

1. Vitamin E Protects The Heart

It is believed that high levels of vitamin E reduce the risk of heart disease.

A study done on 14000 males in the US found no benefit of this vitamin on cardiovascular health. (2) In fact, the study related vitamin E to higher risk of stroke.

2. Protects From Cancer

Keeping up the levels of vitamin E is known to protect from cancer.

A study done of 35000 men for 5 years found that taking vitamin E supplements had no effect on reducing cancer risk.

A follow-up study found that those who had taken vitamin C had a 17% higher risk of developing prostate cancer (3)

3. Skin Healing Properties

Vitamin E is widely known for its skin benefits. It is also believed that it speeds up the healing process and reduces scars when applied to the skin.

A few studies might be supporting it but a study found that slathering vitamin E on the skin can actually worsen the scars or have no effect. In the same study, a few people also developed dermatitis after vitamin E application. (4)


A rush to supplement the diet with antioxidants, including vitamin E is not a good thing to go for.

Research also claims that high doses of vitamin E could increase the mortality case by any cause. (5)

In the end, taking a recommended dosage is safe but thinking a higher dose would be more beneficial is a myth. Also, topically using vitamin C can lead to rashes and should therefore be used with caution.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:September 17, 2021

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