The cause of the seizure attack shortly interferes with the speech, awareness, movement, muscle control, and vision. At the same time, the seizure attack also causes the body to shake vigorously, which lasts for a few seconds or a few minutes. The entire action depends on the severity and type of the seizure, the person’s age, and other health ailments. There is also the probability of losing consciousness during this period of seizure.
The attack of the seizure ranges from mild to severe. Furthermore, it affects the people differently. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the underlying reason to opt for the treatment that helps in reduction of the seizure attacks or any chances of future occurrences.
How Long Do Seizures Last?
If you see anyone suffering from a seizure, it is essential to stay calm. A seizure can last between 60 and 90 seconds. There are also cases where an individual experienced a seizure for more than 5 minutes. If it is possible, calculating the time of seizure will be of immense help. Nonetheless, a person suffering from a seizure attack for more than 5 minutes requires immediate assistance. Therefore, if you happen to notice an attack, call emergency services immediately.
If you have never seen a seizure attack before, then it is possible that the entire activity can be terrifying.
How to Help During a Seizure Attack?
If you are willing to help a person during a seizure attack, you can do so by following the points explained below:
- Try to hold the person and protect him or her from falling on the ground directly
- Ensure that the surroundings are free from objects that may cause injury during the period
- When you see the person going through this seizure attack on the ground, turn him or her to one side so that the fluid leaks out of the mouth
- Avoid forceful contact as it can cause further injury during the period.
Helping after a Seizure Attack
- You can proceed with the points mentioned below to help an individual after he or she underwent a seizure attack.
- Look for injuries
- If it was not possible to turn the person during the seizure, you could do so after the attack ends and when the person arrives at the normal condition
- If you see the person having trouble in breathing, use fingers to clear the mouth
- Lose the tight fittings around the neck and waist
- Look for a safe area where the person can take rest
- Do not offer anything to drink or eat until he or she is fully awake and comes into consciousness
- Be with the person until he or she becomes fully aware of the surroundings, as many people remain in confused state after a seizure attack.
Valuable Feedback
If you have seen the individual suffering from the seizure attack, then the feedback that you provide to the doctor will be of immense help. Make sure to remember how the individual moved during the action, the time for which the seizure lasted, the condition before the occurrence of this seizure, the response of the patient after the occurrence of the seizure, and any injuries suffered during the attack.
By attaining knowledge on seizures, it is now possible for you to for help to the individual at any given time. Furthermore, you can also proceed with the actions as mentioned in the article before and after the seizure to provide medical assistance until the emergency services arrive at the scene.
- Mayo Clinic. (2021). Seizures: First aid.
- Epilepsy Foundation. (n.d.). Seizure First Aid.
Also Read:
- Atonic Seizures: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Prognosis
- Alcohol Withdrawal Seizures: Causes, Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Prevention
- What are Nocturnal Seizures or Seizures While Sleeping: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Pathophysiology, Safety Measures
- Breakthrough Seizure: Causes, Signs, Symptoms, Treatment, Diagnosis
- What is a Partial Seizure?
- Can a Seizure Be Cured?