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Is Epilepsy Degenerative & How is it Treated?

Is Epilepsy Degenerative?

Epilepsy is not a degenerative disorder. Epilepsy refers to neurological disorder that involves recurrent seizures. Seizure or convulsion implies a sudden behavioral change caused by the increase in electrical activity that goes on in the human brain.

Increase in the electrical activity may lead to violent body shakes and unconsciousness or a staring spell, which may go in an unnoticed way. Despite, doctors have until now be able to find out the exact cause of the problem, but there are many factors affecting the human brain at work, particularly, strokes and tumors.

Epilepsy is one among the several health conditions, which may result in seizures. Other factors are brain infections,   , low levels of blood sugar, use of drugs and withdrawal of alcohol.

Is Epilepsy Degenerative & How is it Treated?

Epilepsy and Epileptic Seizures Symptoms

Symptoms of epilepsy and epileptic seizures start from simple spells of staring to losing consciousness and convulsions in a violent manner. Type of seizure suffered by any person depends on different factors, which include those activating the seizure and place in the human brain, from where it originates. Most of the seizures last for only one minute or two minutes and accompany euphoric sensation or an aura that takes place before the event and may last for many minutes post event.

Types of Seizures

  • Petit mal seizure: This involves a brief loss in the consciousness of human beings with no or little movement and a blank stare.
  • Grand mal seizure: It involves loss of consciousness, violent body contractions, pause in the breathing process, urinary incontinence, cheek or tongue biting, weakness and confusion followed by the event.
  • Partial seizures: Partial seizures, in which patients experience jerking body movements or muscular contractions, along with tingling or numbness, sweating, nausea and dilated pupils. In case of partial seizures, patients experience problem only in a particular part of their brain, while they remain in conscious state.
  • Partial complex seizure: Partial complex seizures involve blank stare, automated and non-purposeful movements, unresponsiveness, strange taste or smell, inappropriate emotions, hallucinations and unconsciousness.

Epilepsy is Not a Degenerative Disorder

Best thing is that epilepsy is not any degenerative disorder and hence, one can control it without making the problem worse. Hence, most of the patients suffering from the problem of epilepsy easily cure their problems entirely and thereby, live a long life.

Epilepsy Treatment

Medication: Most of the people suffering from the problem of epilepsy may become well and free from seizure by simply taking an anti-seizure or anti-epileptic medication. Other people may reduce the intensity and frequency of their epileptic seizures by a perfect combination of medicines, as prescribed by their doctors.

Surgical Procedures for Epilepsy

  • Vagus Nerve Stimulation: Vagus Nerve Stimulation refers to the generator’s surgical implantation in the chest to stimulate the patient’s vagus nerve present in the neck and in turn, to reduce the seizure activities.
  • Surgery: Neuro surgeons recommend for surgery in some of the patients for removal of the seizure producing areas in the brain of the patients. Surgery is essential when medicines fail to cure or prevent seizure problems.

Therapy for Epilepsy

Doctors in some cases recommend for therapeutic approaches with the help of rigorous methods by the help of vitamin therapies and herbal remedies for epilepsy.

Ways to Manage Epilepsy

Individuals may easily manage the problem of epilepsy provided-

  • Lay down in an area that remains free from any sharp object
  • Provide cushion to the head of a person
  • Loose clothes, especially the one across the person’s neck
  • Check the bracelet of medical ID providing the necessary instructions
  • Keep a proper track on the vital signs of a person
  • Never leave any person until and unless the episode completes or a doctor arrives.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:January 16, 2024

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