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Skin Diseases Information Center

What is Bedsore & How Does it Occur?

A bedsore is a skin lesion, which is also called as Decubitus ulcer or pressure ulcer or pressure sore. It is an open wound...

Red Bumps on Baby: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Prognosis, Prevention

Red bumps are very common for the newborn babies to get acne on their face or red rash on their bodies. It takes place either...

What is Onycholysis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Prognosis, Pathophysiology, Prevention

The nails are formed by living cells in the fingers and toes. Nails are made up of the following parts. Nail plate – The visible...

What is a Nail Bed, Causes, Treatments of Damaged Nail Bed

What is a Nail Bed? The nail bed is the skin that is present directly underneath the nail plate. Just like other skins, the nail...

Symptoms of Seed Tick Bites & How to Remove Seed Ticks at Home?

Seed ticks can affect humans as well as pets. Seed ticks are capable of causing some serious health infections on the body. If the...

What Causes Argyria Disease & How is it Treated?

Argyria disease is a condition in which the skin becomes discolored mainly due to the severe exposure to the silver or its dust or...

What Causes Dandruff & How To Get Rid Of It?

Dandruff is a common problem that most of the people are suffering from. Dandruff presents with white flakes spread across the hair, itchy scalp...

What is Dry Skin or Xerosis & How Long Does it Take To Get Rid of it?

What is Dry Skin or Xerosis? Xerosis indicates the medical term to highlight abnormally dry human skin. This name has arrived from a Greek word...

Is Dandruff Contagious & Can it Cause Hair Loss?

What is Dandruff? Dandruff is a health condition, where the skin on the scalp turns into dry white flakes, which sheds off from time to...

How Long Does it Take to Cure Dandruff?

Although dandruff is not a life threatening problem it does affect a person's impression and also the overall health. When dandruff problem increases to...
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