Acne Health Center

What is Considered as a Severe Acne & What are its Causes?

The medical name, acne vulgaris, is a common ailment that everyone accumulates during the puberty period. However, quite a few adults continue to possess...

What is the Cause of Acne on Face?

A chronic inflammatory disease which results in the formation of blackheads, pimples, cyst and nodules is known as acne. Acne usually occurs on the...

About Acne Vulgaris & Home Remedies to Get Rid of it?

About Acne Vulgaris A very common skin condition, named acne is also termed as the acne vulgaris. Some also call it as the blackheads, pimples,...

Which is the Bacteria that Causes Acne?

Coming to speak about acne, which everyone had come across during teenage period, the actual cause for it lives on the skin. Additionally, according...

What is the Main Cause of Spots?

Spots or pimples or zits refer to papule/pustule of small size or simply small lesions found on human skin. Spots develop when oil glands...

Do Hormones Cause Acne?

Do Hormones Cause Acne? One of the very common questions asked by majority of people is Do Hormones cause acne? The answer to this question...

What Causes Pustular Acne & Remedies to Manage it

There are diverse types of skin break out and one of them is pustular acne. In simple terms, pustular acne is only pimples developing...

What to Do When You Have a Break Out?

Break out is common skin problem for people between 14 to 50 years. A break out is combined effect of multiple factors including clogged...

What is Inflammatory Acne Vulgaris: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Self Care

Medicines such as lithium, iodides, cortisone, some seizure prescriptions, or isoniazid can too cause inflammatory acne vulgaris. What is Inflammatory Acne Vulgaris? Inflammatory acne vulgaris is...

What are Papules and Pustules?

Acne is a common skin problem that can occur in all age groups and all sexes. It is more common in the case of...
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