Is it Good to Apply Honey on your Skin?

Honey is that one natural ingredient which women have been using since ages to add to the beauty of their skin. It possesses various benefits which makes it an important ingredient when we talk about skin care.

Is it Good to Apply Honey on your Skin?

Is it good to apply Honey on your Skin?

Yes, honey it is good to apply honey on your skin. Honey helps to lock the moisture content of your skin. It is a natural ingredient and hence there comes no question about the side-effects of the application of honey on the skin. It also helps to reduce the dryness and the itching of your skin. If you use honey on your skin regularly, then it will make your skin glow naturally and will help it become more radiant. Moreover, the use of honey on your skin also ensures the removal of dry and scaly patches on your skin.

It also possesses anti-bacterial properties which help your skin to fight against the onset of skin diseases. Below mentioned are the amazing benefits of using honey on your skin:

  1. Honey Scrubs Out The Scaly Patches:

    A majority of the face packs available in the market, use honey as their key ingredient. However, now you can make your own face pack at home which is not only cost-effective but provides you with enhanced benefits. To prepare a face pack with honey, follow the steps mentioned below:

    1. Ingredients required: Olive oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice, honey and brown sugar
    2. Mix these ingredients in a bowl and whip the mixture into a thick mask.
    3. Now apply a thin layer of this face pack.

    This face mask will be considerably lesser coarse and will effectively scrub out the dead skin cells, thereby rejuvenating your skin to grow new skin cells.

  2. Honey Helps To Exfoliate the Dead Skin Cells:

    If your skin is extremely dry and turns flaky at times then all you need to do is use honey on your skin to exfoliate the dead skin cells. Apart from acting as an excellent defoliator, honey also softens your skin and prevents it from turning flaky.

    • Mix two tablespoons of honey with 2 egg yolks.
    • Now whisk this mixture till it forms a thick batter.
    • Apply this mixture on the dry parts of your skin.
    • Leave this mixture on for around 30 minutes and then rinse it off.

    Remember to slightly warm the mixture for better exfoliating action.

  3. Honey Moisturizes and Softens Your Skin:

    Honey helps to add to the moisture content of your skin thereby softening it.

    • Make a mixture of honey with a few tablespoons of either whipped or melted Shea butter.
    • Now use this as a moisturizer to increase the softness of your skin.
    • You can also use cocoa butter instead of Shea butter.
    • Moreover, you can also add around two drops of bergamot oil along with one drop of lavender oil
    • Now whisk all the ingredients together to form a thick mixture
    • Now apply this pack on all the affected regions of your body

    You can store the remnants of the mixture in the bowl. However, remember to cover it with a lid. When you need to next apply this mixture, all you need to do is simply microwave this mixture which might get solidified with time

    • Remember to use this mixture on your skin before you bathe.
    • Leave it for around 20 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
    • Honey aids greatly to lock the moisture within your skin cells thereby helping you to stay fresh throughout the day.
  4. You Can Experience the Feeling Of Spa Right In Your Home with Honey:

    Now you can feel the soothing effects of a spa right in your home with honey. All you need to do is prepare this amazingly moisturizing body scrub in your home. With honey, you can relive the experience of a spa at half the price.

    Ingredients required:

    • 2 large cups honey
    • 2 cups of kosher salt
    • 6 tablespoon of unsweetened and grated chocolate
    • ½ cup of Grapeseed oil.


    • Add honey to the grapeseed oil in a bowl and stir the mixture after adding the chocolate to it.
    • Remember not to add water to the mixture
    • Whisk the ingredients present in the bowl to form a consistently thick and grainy mixture.
    • Your scrub is ready. Now apply it on your skin before going to bath and rinse it off with lukewarm water.

    These are some of the effective methods by which the application of honey will relieve you from your dry skin problems. Try out these easy-to-make face masks in your home and witness the softening and healing effects of honey within a short time. These methods are extensively cost-effective and will render you with an amazingly soft and moisturized skin.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 4, 2018

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