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What Causes Crepey Skin, Know Its Prevention & Treatment

What is Crepey Skin?

Crepey refers to anything that is wrinkled or similar in appearance.

Crepey skin is a thinned out skin that is wrinkled like crepe paper. It is not necessarily linked with old age. As the skin age, there is a gradual thinning of the skin, along with other factors. With age, the collagen and elastin, proteins that keep the skin firm and elastic, decline.

But, in some conditions, the skin becomes loose and sags and it’s not age-related. It affects a large area of the skin making it more fragile and thin. It affects both epidermis and dermis of the skin due to a drop in collagen and elastin.

Crepey skin is more common under the eye and on the upper inner arms.

Causes of Crepey Skin

Causes of Crepey Skin

There are a few factors that can lead to crepey skin.


Aging slows down the production of collagen and elastin. As a result, the skin cannot look as it used to, when young.

The skin starts sagging and the production of new skin cell drops.

The oil produced by the skin forms a natural protective barrier that helps lock moisture and keeps the skin soft. Also as a person ages, there is a decrease in oil production. Lack of moisture can lead to crepey skin.

Sun Damage

Sun damage can lead to crepey skin. Ultraviolet rays break down collagen and elastin in the skin. Once these fibers break down the skin can loosen, thin, and get wrinkled.

Weight Loss

Losing weight drastically (especially within a short period of time) can lead to crepey skin earlier than others.

Losing layers of fat underneath the skin make it loose very quickly and lead to the appearance of wrinkles.


If a skin loses moisture it looks dry. This can lead to crepey skin.

Dry skin aggravates with age. It is therefore important to keep the skin hydrated properly, by drinking good quantities of water.

Along with the above, the other factors include:

  • Pollution
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Smoking
  • Poor nutrition
  • Certain medications such as prednisone

How To Prevent Crepey Skin?

It is important to take care of skin, while its ages and also normally. This can help delay the appearance of crepey skin.

Protect The Skin From The Sun

While going out in the sun, it is important to apply a sun protecting lotion to reduce the damage caused by the ultraviolet rays.

Carrying an umbrella and wearing protective clothing can also be of help.

Eat Right

  • When you eat nutritious food, it reflects on the skin.
  • Nutrients, vitamins, flavonoids, and antioxidants, not only help keep the body healthy but also helps in maintaining the youthful appearance of the skin.
  • Vitamin C boosts collagen production and should necessarily be a part of anyone’s skin-healthy diet.
  • The diet should be rich in essential vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants.

Keep The Body Hydrated

Water is an important component of body cells, tissues. and fluids, and helps in maintaining cell health.

A dehydrated body makes the skin appear dry and crepey. It is therefore important to keep the body hydrated.

Keep A Check On Salt Intake

Intake of excessive salt makes the body retain water and cause swelling. Decreasing salt intake can reduce water retention and decrease crepey skin around the eyes.

Take Care Of The Skin

To keep the skin healthy it is important to take care of it.

It is important to exfoliate, cleanse, and moisturize the skin regularly; otherwise, the accumulation of dead skin cells can make the skin appear dull, dry and older.

Use the products that are gentle with the skin and do not damage the natural lipid barrier.

Treatment For Crepey Skin

There are multiple treatments that can help reduce crepey skin and improve skin health. The sooner you treat crepey skin easier will it be to bring about a noticeable change in appearance, texture, thickness, and support.

Topical Retinoid

Retinoid creams and gels encourage exfoliation and speed cell turnover. They should be used with proper precautions such as a good hydrating moisturizer. Otherwise, it could make crepey skin even worse.

Laser treatment

The laser can be used in small areas of the skin to encourage the growth of collagen.

This can smoothen out wrinkling from inside out.

Ultrasound (ulthera)

Ulthera is a skin-tightening procedure. It used targeted ultrasound to heat the tissues beneath the skin.

The heat helps breakdown cells and stimulates the growth of collagen which helps tighten the skin.

Ultrasound (ulthera) treatment can be used for the face and neck. The skin attached to muscle such as that of the upper arm does not respond well to it (1)


It is a noninvasive procedure that helps in removing localized areas of fat.

The Cryolipolysis procedure freezes the lipids in the fat cells which cause them to dissolve slowly.

Cryolipolysis is used when the loose skin is present over excess fat. The treatment tightens the skin by removing the fat underneath the skin.


Biostimulation agents such as Radiesse or Sculptra help improve the appearance, texture, and thickness of crepey skin (2). Injected into the skin, these agents help stimulate the growth of collagen.

Home Remedies

Simple home remedies that help remove dead skin such as sugar scrub can also reduce crepey lines.

The home remedies are easily available and does not strip of the skins natural lipid and protein barrier.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:February 29, 2020

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