There are many who struggle to fall asleep, especially in a noisy environment. So, are you one of those who is not able to sleep because the traffic noise keeps you awake or because your neighbor’s dog barks all night? Well! If this is the case for you then you need to try out the white noise machine and enjoy the sound sleep. Sleep experts agree that white noise machines or apps are really soothing and you get real good sleep with white noise machines.
What is White Noise Machine?
Noise can affect your sleep to a greater extent. When we sleep, our brain continues to register and process sounds on a basic level. Noise can wake you up, and also make you shift between stages of sleep, experience a change in heart rate and blood pressure.
However, white noise is a special type of sound signal used to mask the background sound and thus aid you in promoting healthy sleep. White noise helps in blocking the sounds which might otherwise prevent you from falling asleep.
Technically white noise can be explained as; “Noise, the amplitude of which is constant throughout the audible frequency range”.
We know white light contains all the colors combined together. Similarly white noise consist all frequencies combined together.
White noise is not very pleasant as it contains a lot of high frequency energy; however it aids in making you sleep better. It must be mentioned that white noise can be only generated electronically and sounds similar to Television or radio static.
Now when we look at how actually white noise work; it may be explained that white noise blends the external sounds such as traffic sounds, sounds of barking dog etc, in to the overall background noise and thus your brain pays less attention. We become habituated to the background sounds created by white noise machine and thus, this help us sleep more effectively without paying attention to other outside sounds that might disturb us without a white noise machine.
How Does White Noise Machine Help You Sleep Better?
With regular distractions and technological overstimulation; our sleep requirement and personal well being is more necessary than ever. White noise is quickly becoming a popular way to aid our body and brain relax and provides us a good night’s sleep. Below are some ways in which white noise machine helps us sleep better.
White Noise Machine Aids in Building A Bedtime Rituals:
In order to sleep better, it is a great idea to establish a routine before bed, for both children as well as adults. White noise helps in building this bedtime ritual and thus helps in making sleep hygiene a habit and assist you in making you sleep better.
White Noise Machine is Beneficial in Shutting Down Your Brain and Thereby Helps You Sleep Better:
Most people find it difficult to fall asleep because they have personal worries, or may be because their busy mind keeps them awake. Well! White noise machine can help you shut down your busy brain and aid you in making you fall asleep.
White Noise Machine Keeps Your Bedroom Quiet
White noise machine helps you keep your bedroom quiet and noise free which is essential for optimal sleep. White noise buffers disturbing sounds and creates a quiet cocoon, irrespective of your surrounding or sleep situation.
Once You Are Asleep With White Noise Machine; You Will Stay Asleep:
White noise machine safeguards your peaceful slumber, by masking sounds that might interrupt your sleep. Even if you wake up, it becomes easier to fall back asleep with a white noise machine.
White Noise Machine Helps You Get a Sound Sleep:
White noise machine aids you in getting a sound sleep, without any interruptions. This helps you get quality sleep and helps you wake up feeling more refreshed in the morning.
White Noise Machine Can Be Taken Anywhere:
If you have a white noise machine you can take it anywhere, it is highly beneficial during travelling.