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Osteoarthritis of the Knee: Recovery Time, Coping Tips, Exercises

Recovery Time for Osteoarthritis of the Knee

There is less damage to the tissue if the surgery is small. Thus a surgeon can work between the quadriceps muscles fibers instead of doing an incision from the tendon. This also is less painful and the recovery time is faster, assuring better movement and less formation of scar tissue.

Recovery Time for Osteoarthritis of the Knee

These less invasive procedures are performed by orthopedic surgeons in a small percentage in North America. However, the short and long term benefits are being considered by the researchers in regard to the invasive versus traditional surgery for the knee replacement.[1]

  • Make essential arrangements such that the stair climbing is kept to minimum. Ensure to go up and down once or twice a day.
  • Use a straight, firm chair and keep away from recliners.
  • Throw rugs away and keep the rooms clutter free and free from debris, this helps in avoiding falls.
  • Keep your pets at a distance until you are sure that you are completely healed.

Consult your doctor prior to returning to activities such as sexual activity, driving and exercise.

Coping Tips for Osteoarthritis of the Knee

Coping with Osteoarthritis of the Knee While With Regular Stress

Osteoarthritis of the knee is mostly a long term condition and it mostly lowers your morale and thus you will notice it affects your sleep. Handling problems such as osteoarthritis of the knee leads to depression and makes osteoarthritis tough to handle with. It helps when you talk to people regarding negative feelings. This need not always be your doctor, it can be some of your good friends, relatives or family members. In fact, you doctor may recommend some support groups so that you learn to handle the regular stress caused by osteoarthritis of the knee in a lighter and better way.

Coping with Osteoarthritis of the Knee during Sleep

Sleeping gets affected if there is osteoarthritis knee pain at night times and if so, you can try:

  • Taking a painkiller prior to going to bed.
  • Having a hot bath prior to hitting your bed or using hot water bottle or some electric blanket so that the warmth is soothing.
  • Place pillow between knees.[2]

Coping with Osteoarthritis of the Knee During Work

Working environment may be the cause for some people to cause knee pain due to osteoarthritis and if so, you must consider making some alterations. This is required particularly if you are involved with physically demanding job. You may try speaking to your employer or to the local job center plus so that they put you in a different work that is less physically demanding. Changing work or even an equipment may be of immense help to do the job easily.

General Exercises for Osteoarthritis of the Knee

It is crucial to keep joints moving if you have osteoarthritis of the knee. You may get the right balance between rest and exercise and enjoy as it is the right approach. There are two exercise types that are best if you do it regularly.

The advantages of aerobic exercise for osteoarthritis of the knee:

  • Helps in sleeping better
  • Reduces pain
  • Increases pulse rate
  • Good for general health

Advantages of strengthening exercises for osteoarthritis of the knee:

  • Reduces pain
  • Improves the tone and strength of muscles controlling your knee
  • Stabilizes and protects knee joints
  • Stops your knee, gives balance that the risk of falling is averted.

Consulting a physiotherapist is the best as he/she can advise on performing the best exercises, but you need to follow it in your daily routine so that you get the most benefit. You can also consult your GP about the exercise.[3]

Swimming is exceptionally good for people suffering with osteoarthritis and this is because water supports your complete weight, thus you need not put strain on your joints.[4] Moreover, the warm water exercises known as Hydrotherapy help in keeping the muscles and joints working, and are relaxing. Take a painkiller, if you consider your activity is going to increase and there will be more work than usual. This will help in avoid the pain from increasing.

People with osteoarthritis of the knee should try to strengthen the muscles of the thigh and lower leg as having strong muscles around the joint helps in reducing the stress on the knee joint and helps in maintaining a good alignment of the knee. Exercises also help in maintaining the strength and reducing the stiffness in the joints.

Complementary Treatment/ Alternative Medicines for Osteoarthritis of the Knee

Osteoarthritis of the knee can be eased with different alternative medicines and complementary treatments. This is the way to make some people feel better. Nevertheless, these treatments on the whole are not recommended on the NHS and there is no proof of how much they ease or offer relief.

Chondroitin and Glucosamine for Osteoarthritis of the Knee

Chondroiting and Glucosamine are compounds found in a joint cartilage. Taking these supplements improve the damaged cartilage health in osteoarthritis of the knee. Glucosamine and chondroitin are identical and it is easy to buy them from a health food store or some chemist. You can take per day a dose of 1.5 g of glucosamine sulphate. You can take them for several weeks and then notice if it is really reducing your pain and bringing some difference.

Glucosamine hydrochloride is not effective, so check always if you are taking glucosamine sulphate. The glucosamine most brands are made using shellfish and people allergic to it, may avoid it or get some vegetarian variety. Glucosamine affects the sugar level in blood, so people with diabetes must keep a vigilant watch on the blood sugar levels and if there is an increase, a visit to the doctor is inevitable. Also visiting for regular blood checks is mandatory, in case you are taking warfarin, the blood-thinning drug.[5]

Homeopathy for Osteoarthritis of the Knee

People keen in homeopathy medicines may find a number of homeopathic remedies that are useful for osteoarthritis of the knee. Conversely, there is no evidence to prove that the remedies are effective in easing the knee pain.

Acupuncture for Osteoarthritis of the Knee

Acupuncture eases and reduces the knee pain caused by osteoarthritis of the knee, shows some research and this relief is not felt at all times. The effect may be short lived and indicates going for repeat sessions. Electro- acupuncture may be useful for the knee osteoarthritis and reduce the pain, but it is same as any conventional acupuncture, but for the fact that electrical impulse is applied through the needles.[6]

Manipulation for Osteoarthritis of the Knee

Manipulation for osteoarthritis of the knee is very less. You must choose a practitioner, if you are confident of trying and ensure the practitioner is registered in performing the manipulation of regulatory body.

Weight Management in Osteoarthritis of the Knee

There is evidence showing that being overweight causes much stress on the knee joints especially if you have osteoarthritis of the knee. Thus overweight also leads to osteoarthritis of the knee and there is all chances that with time, it may get worse.[7]

The way your joints work will be understood ad your knees will feel the force with each activity, as you walk on slopes and stairs. In fact, the body weight is several times on inclined places. Losing weight even in small amounts can surely bring a big difference to your weight bearing joints.

For osteoarthritis of the knee, there is no diet specified, but to lose weight, it is recommended to have reduced calorie diet that is balanced and to combine it with exercise.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 23, 2020

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