How To Improve Circulation To Legs?

Body’s circulation is responsible for sending blood, oxygen, and nutrients to all the parts of the body. Poor circulation most commonly affects the extremities. Poor circulation is an effect of any health issues such as obesity, diabetes, a heart condition, and arterial issues. Therefore the treatment for poor circulation to legs lies not only in correcting the symptom but the underlying cause.

Symptoms of Poor Circulation

The most common symptom of poor circulation is seen affecting the limbs. The symptoms are:

  • Tingling
  • Numbness
  • Throbbing and stinging pain
  • Pain
  • Muscle cramps

What Causes Poor Circulation To Legs?

There are various conditions which can affect circulation:

  1. Peripheral Artery Disease

    Peripheral artery disease is a circulatory condition which is caused due to narrowing of the blood vessels and arteries. It is most common in people above 50 years of age but can also affect those in the younger age group. Peripheral artery disease affects the circulation to the legs. Reduced blood flow to the extremities can lead to numbness, tingling, nerve and tissue damage.

  2. Blood Clots

    Blood clots can occur anywhere in the body but those developing on arms and legs can lead to circulatory problems. There are numerous reasons which lead to the development of a clot. Having a clot can be dangerous. If it breaks away it can pass through the other parts of the body and even heart and lung. This can lead to a stroke.

  3. Varicose Veins

    Varicose veins are the enlarged veins which are caused by valve failure. The veins become enlarged and engorged and can lead to circulatory problems. Women and obese people are more at risk of developing them.

  4. Diabetes

    Diabetes is another reason for poor circulation as there is a complication known as diabetic neuropathy which can affect the circulation of blood and lead to cramping, numbness, and tingling in the legs and hands.

  5. Obesity

    Excess weight can lead to extra burden on the body, affecting circulation. Obese people, if standing or sitting for long hours, can suffer from circulatory problems.

  6. Raynaud’s Disease

    Many people experience coldness in hand and feet. This occurs due to narrowing of the small arteries of hands and feet. Narrowed arteries are less capable of moving blood through the body affecting circulation.

How To Improve Circulation To The Legs?

Here are a few tips on how to improve circulation to the legs:


Walking is an easy way to create an active and healthy lifestyle and promote weight loss. Walking increases muscle contraction. As the muscles contract and relax it squeezes around the large veins in the legs. This promotes circulation to more stagnant areas.


Just like walking stretching have numerous benefits for the body. Doing it with proper technique help promote circulation. This promotes the blood supply and the supply of oxygen and various nutrients to the muscles, which are necessary for proper functioning, movement, and flexion.

Body Position

Body position also plays a major role in affecting circulation. If you sit with the legs crossed, you may be harming the circulation in the lower body.

The following sitting positions can help promote better vein circulation.

  • Sit with leg spaced slightly apart. Remember to change the position and get up time to time, so that the legs do not remain in a position for long.
  • You can also elevate the legs to help circulation.
  • While sleeping you can place the legs on the pillow to encourage circulation. It is also healthy for the spine.

Compression Stocking

If your job requires you to be seated or standing for long hours, the compression stockings are your savior. The pressure gradient can encourage the blood and other fluids to move instead of pooling in the legs. Compression stockings cause the muscles in the legs to contract and relax, stimulating blood flow.

Quit Smoking

Smoking leads to swelling in the feet and ankle and clot formation. It is mostly found that in smokers, that the heart is not in a proper working condition which can lead to damage to the blood vessel and veins of the legs. Quitting it, therefore, is the best option.

Manage Stress

Stress can have negative side effects on overall health, including the body’s circulation. Manage your stress levels through regular exercise, listening to music, meditation, and psychotherapy.

Keep Yourself Hydrated

The right amount of fluid in the blood encourages circulation. In a dehydrated body, the fluid moves out of the blood making it thick and viscous. This keeps it from flowing easily. Drinking plenty of water and decaf drinks ensures that the body is hydrated and blood has enough fluid in it.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 19, 2022

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