The rate of weight problems and obesity in children is increasing at a tremendous rate in the United States.
When children gain extra weight it puts them at risk of suffering from massive health disorders like heart disease, diabetes and asthma.
Overweight kids are often teased and kept aside from sport activities. This often leads to negative body image, lower self-esteem, depression and much more.
Children with weight problems are at a larger threat of developing serious health issues like:
- High blood pressure
- Bone and joint problems
- Liver and gall bladder disease
- Type 2 diabetes
- Asthma
- Restless or messy sleeping patterns
- High cholesterol
- Lower self-esteem and depression.
6 Ways to Fight Childhood Obesity at Home
Getting the Whole Family Involved to Fight Childhood Obesity
- Healthy eating habits begin at home. The best way to prevent or fight obesity problems in children is to set the whole family on the track of adopting healthy eating.
- Make better choices about food and staying physically active can benefit all the members of the family.
- Cook something healthy when you are with the children.
- Begin with exercise in one way or the other along with your children enjoy. Speak to them about the benefits that come along.
- Avoid watching television or sitting in front of the computer at all times.
Stimulating Healthy Eating Habits
Begin with healthy eating as a part of the family meal as you are the role model to your children. Encouraging healthy eating habits is a natural way to treat childhood obesity. Eat the rainbow colored foods. Serve and persuade your kids to eat a variety of vegetables and fruits. This can include red, orange, yellow, green and other colors of vegetables as well as fruits.
Make breakfast a main concern. Children who tend to have a complete breakfast are often not obese and overweight as compared to those who often skip their morning meal.
Cut back on fat content even if your child is not overweight or fat. Do not include excessive amounts of sweets, junk food and fast food. Limit the restaurant dining time and adopt healthy choices while prepping a meal at home.
Be Smart about Snacks and Sugary Food to Fight
Your home is where your child spends most of his time eating snacks or meals, so it is important to include healthy treats in your kitchen.
- Do not eliminate sweets completely. While sugar consumption in most kids exceeds the limits that are necessary, completely eliminating the sugar can give rise to cravings. There are chances of them being overindulged in sugary foods whenever they find a chance.
- Limit drinking of juice and soda instead ask your child to drink sparkling water with a hint of lime and fresh mint along with a splash of fruit juice.
- Keep snacks petite. Do not try turning snacks into a fulltime meal. Limit their portion to 100 to 150 calories.
- Focus on including lots of fruits. Place a bowl of fruits aside for your kid so that they can munch on it instead of unhealthy snacks.
- Try including various spices and herbs. Use spices and herbs that are sweet tasting like cinnamon, mint, nutmeg or allspice to add natural sweetness to food and eliminate those empty calories.
Watching Portion Sizes
You can employ certain strategies to retrain your child’s appetite and avoid them from eating oversized portion of food when they are having a meal.
- Use dishes that are smaller in size. When you use smaller plates or bowls, the food portions may seem bigger and you will eventually eat less.
- Practice reading food labels to get the information on calories.
- Break up food that comes in huge packages into small bowls. The bigger the food package, the extra amount is eaten by people without any realization.
- Cut back on food orders. When dining in a restaurant, share the starters with your kid or ask for an appetizer on the contrary. Order meals that are half sized rather than a large meal.
Get your Child to be Physically Active
Children who are always couch ridden and seldom move from their place are at a greater risk of becoming obese.
- Children often need a regular exercise to stay fit.
- Go for a walk or step outside the house with your kid. Try taking a walk together or take your kid for a bike ride in the near park.
- Sign up your children in sports activities or other after school programs. You can sign your kids up for the after school activities when you are trying to make them play or exercise.
Reducing TV Time
The more your children spend time in playing video games, watching television or surfing the internet, the less they will spend on active things. Limit the time on computer and television, as it will let them be physically active.