Our eyes are vital organs of your body, so keeping our eyes healthy is extremely important for all of us. There are many things one can do to keep our eyes healthy and make sure you have the good vision.
Protect your eyesight with eye-healthy nutritional diet, lifestyle, and preventive care under ophthalmology.
Doing regular exercise, yoga and breathing exercises or pranayama is good for your overall health including eye health. Always use protective eye wear at work place or as per need. Follow eye health tips given by your ophthalmologist’s and have regular eye checkups.
Eating a perfectly balanced diet is extremely important for our overall health. As a part of our healthy diet, take foods that are rich in antioxidants, like Vitamins A and C; foods like green vegetables, leafy vegetables and fish etc are the foods for healthy eyes.
According to the ophthalmology research studies, there are certain foods that good for our eyes and better vision. In this article, here we provide you with a list of 7 foods that are good for our eyes.
7 Foods That Are Good For Our Eyes
Fish for eye health
Almonds Good for our eyes
Milk and milk products
Oranges for healthy eyes
Kale for good vision
7 Foods That Are Good For Our Eyes
Team PainAssist
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