Can Yoga Asanas Help To Get Rid of Your Headaches?
Yes, there are some specific simple yoga asanas or yoga poses that can definitely help you to get rid of headaches.
These yoga asanas have the ability to help relieve stress, depression, anxiety, tension, boost the blood circulation, and calming the mind, these yoga poses can be a powerful natural remedy for headaches without side effects of drugs and at no extra cost. Do include the following 5 Simple Yoga Asanas To Get Rid of Headaches.
5 Simple Yoga Asanas To Get Rid of Headaches
Yoga Pose #1: Simple Seated Twist Pose
To do Simple seated twist yoga pose you can do the following:
Sit straight on the floor with your legs out in front of you and keep both the legs together on the floor.
Now, cross your left leg on top of right knee.
Keep left arm behind your back and place right elbow on the left knee.
Twist your torso from navel region to left while exhaling.
Keep shoulders downward and chest open.
Hold yourself in this position for a few seconds and take deep breaths.
Return to the initial position and repeat the entire process on the other side.
Yoga Pose #2: Grabbing Opposite Elbow Behind Your Back Yoga Pose
Stand straight with feet slightly apart from each other.
Clasp your both elbows behind back.
Relax your eyes and jaws.
Hold yourself in this position for about 10 seconds and take deep breaths.
Now, come back to the initial position.
Yoga Pose #3: Gomukhasana or Cow Face Pose
In order to do Gomukhasana yoga pose you can do the following:
Sit straight on the floor with your both legs out in front of you.
Now, cross your left knee on top of right knee.
In this position, both the soles of the feet should face backwards.
Lift right arm, bend at the elbow such that your right palm touches your upper back in between the shoulder blades.
Bring your left arm behind back such that your left elbow is pointing towards the floor and try to clasp your right hand fingers with your left hand fingers.
In case if your shoulders are not flexible, yoga brace can be used for this.
Maintain this position for a couple of seconds and take deep breaths.
Now, come back to the initial position and repeat the entire process on the other side.
Yoga Pose #4: Garudasana or Eagle (Arms Only) Yoga Pose
In order to perform the Garudasana yoga pose:
Stand straight on the floor.
Lift your arms to your shoulder height and wrap your right hand around your left hand. Make sure that both your elbows are bent at 90-degree angles and in stacked position.
Now, try to stretch the arms up.
Relax your jaws, eyes, and shoulders.
Hold in this position for a few seconds and take deep breaths.
Now, come back to initial position.
Yoga Pose #5: Yoga Side Stretches Exercise
Sit straight on edge of chair with feet a little apart.
Rest the feet firm on floor.
Lift your both arms near the head.
Grab the right wrist using left hand.
While exhaling, slowly stretch to left side while pulling the right wrist with left hand.
Press bodyweight to left buttock.
Hold this yoga pose for about 10 seconds and take deep breaths.
Return to the initial position and do the same thing for the other side.
The above mentioned 5 Simple Yoga Asanas To Get Rid of Headaches are the proven yoga asanas or yoga poses for curing or alleviating the headaches.