Benefits of Pavanamuktasana & Savasana (shavasana) for Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder with its main characteristic being high levels of sugar in the blood. With millions of people around the globe suffering from this disease, it is necessary to find effective natural ways to control diabetes. Yoga is beneficial for diabetics and its worth knowing the benefits of Pavanamuktasana and Savasana (shavasana) for diabetes and also learn how to do these yoga asanas to help control diabetes effectively.

Yoga for Diabetics

A plethora of exercises such as running, swimming and aerobics are recommended for diabetic patients. However, studies reveal that yoga therapy can work wonders for such patients and prove to be of great help in maintaining an ideal and healthy blood sugar level in the body. Several asanas such as Pavanamuktasana and Savasana offer yoga benefits for diabetes too.

Yoga for diabetics is best performed early in the morning on an empty stomach. If you are performing yoga asanas in the evening, you must ensure that you do not eat anything at least 2 hours prior to the exercise.

Yoga offers great benefits for diabetes. The nerve impulses to the pancreas get immensely stimulated when a person performs yoga asanas and postures which help normalize the blood sugar level in the body and prevent abnormal fluctuations.

Amongst several yoga postures being practiced all over the globe, Pavanamuktasana and Savasana yoga benefits for diabetes are some of the best.

Benefits of Pavanamuktasana for Diabetes

Benefits of Pavanamuktasana for Diabetes

Pavanamuktasana is a simple yoga exercise recommended for all diabetic patients. Pavanamuktasana yoga benefits for diabetes are many. One of the major benefits of this asana is that it helps to strengthen the liver, spleen, pancreas and abdomen along with the abdominal muscles. It is also a great exercise for strengthening and toning the back muscles, while also helping to relax the strained muscles of the back. Moreover, it also helps to release flatulence from the abdomen by eliminating all the excess gas from the body. Also, Pavanamuktasana relieves constipation and protects the body from undue stress of toxins, which can aggravate diabetes in some cases.

Steps to do Pavanamuktasana

Let us learn how to perform Pavanamuktasana yoga to experience its benefits for diabetes. It is a very simple asana which can be performed every day in the comfort of your home.

  • Place a yoga mat on the floor and lie down on it on your back. Place both your hands alongside the body and relax.
  • Fold your legs inwards so that both your feet can sit flatly on the mat. Do not fold in extra or your legs might feel uncomfortable.
  • Now slowly interlock the fingers of both hands and let them rest just below the knees.
  • Slowly raise both your thighs together and bring them near the chest as much as you can. Do not exert extra pressure.
  • Raise the head along with the shoulders while breathing out.
  • Your head should be raised enough to allow your nose to rest between both your knees.

This is the final posture for Pavanamuktasana. Try to maintain this posture for at least 10 to 12 seconds initially and increase the time gradually. When done, reverse the steps just as you did them first and go back to the starting position. Repeat the asana 4 to 5 times every day to reap the Pavanamuktasana yoga benefits for diabetes.

Benefits of Savasana for Diabetes

Benefits of Savasana for Diabetes

Savasana, also known as dead-body pose, is another popular yoga asana which has numerous benefits for all. It is especially helpful for diabetic patients as it helps lower mental stress and anxiety which are the major causes of diabetes. Savasana is also extremely helpful in lowering physical fatigue. Performing this asana on a daily basis has been proven to bring tranquility, peace and relaxation to the person who performs it. However, it is important to perform Savasana only at the beginning or right at the end of your yoga session.

Steps to do Savasana

Steps to do Savasana

Let us now learn how to do Savasana which is quite beneficial for diabetics.

  • Place a yoga mat on the floor and lie flat on it on your back. Place your feet comfortable apart from each other. Your arms and hands should be around 5 to 6 inches away from the body. The fingers should be half bent and the palm should be upwards.
  • Relax your entire body and slowly close your eyes.
  • Now slowly focus on every part of your body and the muscles in it one by one. Try to consciously relax each part. Start from the bottom with your feet and move upwards gradually. Relax your feet, legs, calves, thighs and knees, hips, abdomen, back, chest, arms, hands, neck and finally your face and head.
  • Make yourself feel that you are lifeless.
  • Do not think about any of your worries, concerns or responsibilities which otherwise trouble you when lying down in Savanasa pose. Remain motionless in the said posture for at least 10 to 15 minutes and ensure that there is no disturbance in between.
  • When you start to feel that your legs are going numb, stop the asana and slowly go back to the starting position.
  • When you feel comfortable enough to do so, open your eyes very slowly and get up.


Diabetes can be managed with a comprehensive approach of appropriate medical advice, proper diet and exercise regimen. Now that you have understood the amazing benefits that yoga asanas like Pavanamuktasana and Savasana have to offer for diabetes, diabetics can practice them on a daily basis. After understanding how to do Pavanamuktasana and Savasana, try to perform these asanas first thing in the morning to reap maximum benefit from it.

If you are unable to take out time in the morning, you can do so in the evening too. Just ensure that you do not perform yoga on a full stomach. Diabetics will surely be able to reap immense benefits of Pavanamuktasana and Savanasana to control diabetes effectively.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 2, 2022

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