A mold allergy is caused as a result of an abnormal reply given by the body to the mold spores. It creates signs and symptoms that are similar to many other allergic conditions. The symptoms may include sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, runny nose etc.
How Long Do Mold Allergy Symptoms Last?
- Mold allergy signs and symptoms are like those of any other allergies of the upper respiratory tract. These symptoms may differ from person to person and may be mild or severe
- These signs and symptoms may get triggered in only certain periods of the year, or they may be present all year long
- The signs and symptoms may last for a few minutes to days, depending upon the severity of the allergy
If mold allergy causes allergic rhinitis, the signs and symptoms may include-
- A runny and watery nose
- Sneezing
- Itching in eyes, throat and nose
- Watery and red eyes
- Dryness in skin
- Scaly skin
- Cough with a postnasal drip
If you suffer from asthma along with mold allergy, the exposure to mold may trigger your asthma as well as mold allergy symptoms. Exposure to certain types of molds can trigger a very severe asthma attack. These signs and symptoms of asthma may include-
- Wheeze
- Coughing
- Breathlessness
- Tightness in chest
Causes Of Mold Allergy
- Mold allergy is caused by triggering of a response of an overly sensitive immune system
- Mold spores are tiny, little particles. Once you inhale them, your body treats them as foreign intruders and makes antibodies to fight them. These antibodies cause allergies
- Even if the exposure stops, your body still produces antibodies that ‘recall’ this intruder and whenever your body comes in contact with mold again, this immune response is triggered
- This response prompts the release of substances like histamines, which cause symptoms like watery eyes, itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing etc.
- There are many types of mold, however only some types cause mold allergies. Mold is present both indoors and outdoors. Mold allergy does not mean that you are allergic to all types of molds. You may be allergic to some while not to many others.
Risk Factors Of Mold Allergy
Mold allergy can happen to anyone. However, being affected by any of these below- mentioned factors, puts you more at a risk of developing a mold allergy, as compared to others-
If you have a history of mold allergies, any other allergies or asthma running in your families, you are more prone to developing mold allergy
If you work in an occupation that exposes you to mold, including farming, dairy work, millwork, baking, greenhouse work, carpentry, wine making etc., this exposure may make you prone to mold allergy
- If you live in a place which is high in humidity, you may be at an increased risk of getting a mold allergy
- Make sure that the humidity level in your house should not be more than 50%, in order to discourage mold development
- Mold can grow anyplace that holds moisture. Hence, it is recommended to get any leakages or seepages treated away immediately
- Excessive moisture helps mold to flourish
- A living place that lacks proper ventilation, may be a harbor house for mold. Improper ventilation traps moisture and create a perfect condition for mold to grow
- Damp areas like bathrooms and basements, kitchens are at the most risk
- These areas can be properly ventilated using exhaust fans in them
Mold allergy is a result of an uncharacteristic response of your body to the mold spores. It presents with symptoms much like any other allergies of the upper respiratory tract and may trigger symptoms like watery and itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing and even mild asthma in some cases. The symptoms may last from a few minutes to a few days. The symptoms may be seen multiple times a year or once a year.
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