Alternative Treatment For Mold Allergy

Mold allergy is allergic reaction of upper respiratory tract developed due to living in damp and moist areas. It is caused by molds, a type of fungus that thrives in these areas. It affects people with low immunity with exposure to air spores or food containing molds. Its symptoms include itchy eyes, stuffy or running nose, sneezing, cough, postnasal drip, and many more. It can be treated with medicines such as nasal corticosteroids, antihistamines, oral decongestants, etc. with control of the growth of molds.

Alternative Treatment For Mold Allergy

Alternative Treatment For Mold Allergy

Molds Tend To Flare Up In Damp And Moist Weather- To cure mold allergy completely, the contact with molds should be stopped. Thus, the alternative treatment of mold allergy is to eradicate the molds and reduce its growth in the house. It can be treated by following ways-

Treatment Of Sources Of Dampness– it is important to identify the sources of dampness in the house like sources of leakages of water in pipes, tanks, etc. You should keep checking dampness under and around the sinks regularly. Fixing the leakage of pipes and seepage can reduce the growth of the molds in the house.

Ventilation Of Bathrooms– proper care must be taken to ventilate the bathrooms and water sources. Windows and doors should be kept open regularly to allow the proper ventilation in the house. This will reduce moisture and dampness in the house.

Removal Of Molds– bleach powder should be used regularly to clean the areas of the house where molds grow. Rugs or pillows that are old should be discarded.

Dehumidification– dehumidifiers should be used in bathrooms and laundry areas to control moisture. Mold discouraging appliances should be used in the basements to manage moisture. Collection buckets and condensation coils should be cleaned regularly to control the growth of the molds. Dehumidifiers should be used to maintain the levels of humidity below 50 percent.

Air Conditioning– if a centralized air conditioner is used, then it should contain high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter attachment that can trap mold spores from outdoor and prevent their circulation in the house.

Air Purifiers– air purifiers that use HEPA filters should be used in the house. These filters can catch airborne mold spores. This keeps the environment in the house dry and sterile.

Use Of Mats and Carpets– mats, and carpets should be cleaned regularly to avoid the growth of the mold. It is better not to use them as moisture and dampness can develop under it leading the growth of molds. Old books and papers should be cleaned regularly or discarded to avoid the growth of the molds.

Treatment Of Groundwater– leaves, and vegetation should be removed in the areas around the sources of ground waters like well, underground tanks, etc. to avoid the growth of molds. Accumulation of leaves should be avoided in these areas.

Cleaning Of Organic Plant Containers– plant containers should be cleaned regularly to check the growth of the molds.

Avoidance Of High Moisture Areas– it is better to avoid going out after heavy rainfall to avoid direct exposure to molds.

Mold allergy is a type of allergy that is induced in the body after exposure to the molds. Molds are a type of fungus that grows in damp and moist areas of the house such as washrooms, laundry areas, seepage areas, under carpets, etc. Anyone, whose immunity is weak, can catch the mold allergy through the air or contaminated food.

Sometimes, accidental exposure to mold can also trigger allergic reactions.


Mold allergy can be treated with medicines and complete avoidance of exposure to the molds. The best method to treat mold allergy is to fix the sources of dampness and moisture in the house. The above-discussed methods can be helpful to get rid of molds and mold allergy.

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 9, 2021

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