How Do You Treat Mold Exposure?

A mold allergy is an allergic response of your body to mold spores. It can cause allergic symptoms of the upper respiratory tract, like any other allergic conditions.

How Do You Treat Mold Exposure?

How Do You Treat Mold Exposure?

  • The most important step related to any type of allergy is to stay away from the triggers that cause allergy
  • Having said that, mold is a common occurrence and it is very difficult to avoid mold in general
  • There is not a guaranteed way to cure mold allergy, however, certain medications can help in reducing the symptoms and ease your discomfort

Mold exposure is treated with the help of several methods, some of which may include-

Corticosteroid Nasal Spray

  • The nasal sprays that are available over the counter are corticosteroids
  • These sprays reduce the inflammation in airways, which is caused due to mold allergies
  • In most cases of mold allergy, corticosteroids prove to be the most effective of medications available
  • They are also prescribed by many doctors as primary treatment method
  • Nasal sprays, however, may cause you to have a bitter taste in mouth and may cause nasal dryness

Nasal Rinse

  • A solution that is made up of distilled water and saline can help in rinsing the nasal passages and remove the mild spores, thereby reducing congestion
  • This will also help in reducing the irritation in the nasal passages
  • The water used for nasal rinse must be distilled water, sterile, previously boiled and cooled or filtered
  • Also, after each use, cleanse the irrigation device with similar type of water and air-dry, to avoid build-up of any growth inside

OTC Medications/Antihistamines

Medicines available over the counter (OTC), like antihistamines reduce the response of the immune system by blocking histamine, and minimize the inflammation of airways However, some antihistamines may cause dry mouth and little drowsiness

  • Some decongestants like pseudoephedrine, may help in reducing the swelling caused as a result of allergic reactions
  • However, oral decongestants may increase the blood pressure, can cause heart palpitations, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, loss of appetite etc.
  • Hence, they are best to be avoided in people with high blood pressure and stopped immediately with consultation of your doctor if any of the above symptoms are seen


  • This is an oral medication which helps in reducing the mucus in airways, thereby reducing the signs and symptoms caused by mold allergies and also asthma
  • It is used when nasal sprays are not tolerated or if there is a mild asthma present along with mold allergy symptoms

Anti-Allergic Vaccines

  • Some doctors may recommend taking regular vaccines with little quantity of allergens, which will help in building up the body’s immunity to those allergens over time
  • This is called immunotherapy and is proven to be very effective in allergies like hay fever
  • These vaccines are used for only some types of mold allergies

Along with these treatment methods, certain lifestyle changes if implemented, may make you heal faster and keep you away from triggers of mold allergy. These lifestyle changes include-

  • Wearing a mask while doing outdoor works, like raking the leaves or mowing the lawns, while farming or tending a greenhouse, milling or doing carpentry work
  • Keeping the humidity levels in your home below 50% at least, to discourage the mold growth
  • Using HEPA filters in your air-conditioners and heaters
  • Having a properly ventilated living space, so that any dampness or moisture does not get trapped
  • Using air purifiers to purify the air around you
  • Taking care of any seepages or leakages in walls, floors or ceilings so that there is no dampness to cause mold growth
  • Keeping your windows closed while sleeping at night, so that the mold spores from night-time damp and cold air do not enter your sleeping area.

There is no guaranteed treatment for conditions like allergic rhinitis and others caused by mold allergy, however, certain medications may alleviate the symptoms and ease the discomfort.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:January 12, 2024

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