Can volunteering benefit your Body and Mind? The answer is Yes! Making time for volunteering might be hard to find in your busy life, but the benefits of volunteering may be enormous for you, family and your community as well. When you find the right opportunity, it may help in finding new friends, adopt new skills and progress in your career. Volunteering can help in protecting the physical as well as mental health.
Benefits of Volunteering #1: Connects you with Society
Volunteering helps in connecting you with others in the society/community. One of the known benefits of volunteering is the impact it has on the community. Unpaid volunteers work as a bond for holding the community together. Through volunteering, you will be able to connect with all the members of the community and make that place a better one to live. Even when the smallest tasks are performed, it can make a huge difference. Volunteering can be advantageous to you and your family along with the task that you choose to perform. When you put in some extra time in volunteering, you can make new colleagues, expand the network and enhance the social skills as well.
Volunteering Aids you Make New Buddies and Connections
Volunteering aids you making new friends from other professions. When you commit yourself in the shared activity together, you can make friends and strengthen the bond of the relationships that you are sharing. You can meet new people when you volunteer and are in a new area. This also helps in strengthening the communal bond and grants you an opportunity to expand your group as well. When you are in a group of people who share the common interest, the entire things becomes equally fun filling.
Volunteering Develops your Communal and Relationship Skills
Volunteering assists you in improving your social and relationship skills. While some people do not hesitate on making conversation with others, some are shy and find it hard to maintain a communication bridge between various people. You can practice and develop your communication skills by volunteering and being a group of people who share similar interest. Once you gain momentum, it will be easier for you to make new contacts.
Benefits of Volunteering #2: Helps your Mind and Body
Volunteering is good for your mind and body. Volunteering grants mental as well as physical benefits in an unusual manner.
- Volunteering Activities Enhances Self-Confidence: Your self-esteem and self-confidence can be boosted in an unusual manner. You will gain a sense of accomplishment when you are doing something good for others. When you play the role of a volunteer, it imbibes a sense of pride within you. When you feel positive about yourself, it will eventually tend to help you in setting realistic goals in the future.
- Volunteering Activities Can Help Fight Depression: Another benefit of volunteering is that the risks of depression can be highly reduced. When you volunteer, you are always in a group of people and this can eliminate the symptom of social isolation. The mood level as well the reduction is stress and anxiety has been recorded when one is involved with pet handling and care.
- Volunteering Assists You Stay Physically in a Good Condition: Volunteering works well for people of all ages and especially for those who are at an older age. It also has the ability to bring down the symptoms of heart disease or chronic pain as well.
I am Disabled. How Can I Still Volunteer?
Volunteering can be done via computers or phone, if one has disabilities or traveling and time constraints. There are ample of projects where you can fit in. Many organizations need assistance in managing the websites or writing emails and this can be the best way to show your talent.
If you are comfortable doing the home-based volunteering, you can visit various websites that will grant you this opportunity. While some may just allot you the work, there are other organizations that may ask you to undergo a training session for the same.
Benefits of Volunteering #3: Helps you with your Work
Volunteering can benefit you in advancing your career. If you are looking for ways to establish your career, volunteering can be the right thing. This is a field, where you will get the chance to meet new people and practice all the skills in the right manner. The skills that are used in communication, at a workplace or a team can be easily understood by being a part of any volunteering group. Once you have been acquainted with all these skills, it will be easier for you to handle the tasks at your workplace as well.
Volunteering Can Produce Career Related Knowledge
Volunteering grants you a new career path without asking for any commitments for a longer period. It is also the best way to learn some new things and put them to use in your areas of interest. You can approach organizations that will help you in setting a professional career through volunteering.
Volunteering Can Train You Important Work Related Skills
You may think that the skills which you learn through volunteering may be pretty basic as the job is unpaid. When there are new opportunities, intensive training is given to carry out volunteering. You can put the skills that you have learned or polish the ones that you already have for the welfare of your community.
You can boost the skills that you already possess through volunteering or learn something new that can be put to use for a greater cause in the welfare of the community. Your marketing skills, public speaking and communication skills will be improved when you have taken part as a volunteer advocate in any program.
Benefits of Volunteering #4: Fulfills your Life
Volunteering can be beneficial in fulfilling your life. There are many people who do not get any kind of fulfillment even though they try many things in their life and this can lead to depression and a sense of void in them. Volunteering brings fun and fulfillment to your life. Volunteering is a way through which you can find new interests and bring your hidden passions to light. When you volunteer in some work, you can easily find a way to unwind and relax after a hectic day at school or at work or even doing the daily chores at home. It can also build vigor; grant you motivation and insight to a better professional as well as personal life.
Most people volunteer to find a time for the things that they love doing. This may involve planting pods in the community garden or taking the dogs of an animal shelter for a long walk as well as setting up a camp for the children etc..
Recognize Your Targets and Interests When Volunteering
If you have identified your interests and goals in the right manner, it will make your volunteering experience richer and enjoyable. Volunteering opportunities that work in sync with your interests and goals are fun to perform and seem fulfilling as well.
Finding the Appropriate Volunteering Opportunities
There are numerous opportunities for volunteering available for one to explore. They key is to find the right task for volunteering that will be suitable for the interests that you have. It is also important to match the level of commitment that every volunteering task demands. These questions will help you in finding the right volunteering task and narrow down the options as well:
- Do you prefer working in a team or on an individual basis?
- Will you work well in a visible role or behind the scenes tasks would be better?
- Would you prefer working from home or with adults or with animals or children?
- What is the time limit that you wish to spend in volunteering?
- How much responsibility are you willing to take?
- What are the skills that can get you a job in volunteering?
- What are the causes that are of prime importance to you?
Consider several volunteer possibilities. When you are looking to get the right opportunity as a volunteer, spread your search horizon to more than one organization or a specific job. At times, the opportunities look good on paper, but the reality might be something else. Try to visit the organizations physically to understand it better. If you are satisfied as a volunteer, you can contribute to it in a better way.
You Can find Volunteering Opportunities at:
- Senior centers or libraries
- In various service organizations such as Rotary clubs or Lions clubs
- Museums, monuments and community theaters
- Wildlife centers, local animal shelters and rescue organizations
- Sports teams, after-school programs and youth organizations
- Worshiping places such as synagogues or churches
- Various online databases.
How to Get the Best of the Volunteering Work
Through volunteering, you will be donating some time from your daily schedule, so it should be something that brings you happiness. It is also imperative to make sure that the position you are holding is good and will bring out the best in people for whom you are working.
- Clear All your Doubts: You want to be sure about the experiences you are learning and whether they are right for your goals, skills and the time you are investing in doing it. If you have any queries, it is always better to speak about it. Your volunteer coordinate might be able to address the commitment and if when there is any training available, ask about all the questions that you are facing while being a part of that skill.
- Speak up if you Have Any Issues: Make a point to speak up when you are in a bad situation. Speak about your issues to the organization and try focusing on another task where you fit in.
- Understand the Requirements Properly: Before beginning with the entire volunteering, understand the environment and know the time that you are allotting for the commitment. Begin with smaller tasks, so that you do not find it difficult to manage the tasks at a later stage.
- Most Importantly- ‘Enjoy Yourself’: The experiences of the best volunteer benefits the organization as well as himself or herself. If you are not enjoying, ask the right reason to yourself. Pinpointing the things that you are finding difficult can help you in focusing better.