Pomegranate is one of the oldest known fruits in human history having 4000 years relation with human. This wonderful and nutritious fruit is actually native to Persia. Later pomegranate became a common fruit plant from Iran to the northern Himalayan valleys in India. It’s now widely cultivated in Mediterranean region, tropical Africa, East Indies, South-east Asia, Malaya, and India. The Spanish colonist in California first introduced pomegranate in USA in 1769. These days, pomegranate is mostly cultivated in drier parts of USA like Arizona and California.
Pomegranate is very popular worldwide for its multifarious health benefits including human digestive, immune and blood circulatory system, and health and protection of skin. Per 100gm of the pomegranate fruit gives 83 Calories of energy and the fruit doesn’t contain any saturated fats or cholesterol. All these make pomegranate a “super food” with outstanding health benefit for the human body.
Health Benefits of Pomegranate:
Health benefit of pomegranate is unquestionable. It’s good for skin health, heart health, weight loss and many other parts of the body. Pomegranate keeps organs in perfect conditions, it makes the body and mind energetic and its high antioxidant property keeps human body ever-refreshed. Here have a look at some very effective health benefits of pomegranate:
- Pomegranate Benefits for Skin Health: Pomegranate works amazingly on all types of skins. People having several skin related problems are often advised to use the pomegranate externally and also eat the fruit regularly. Here are some skin and facial problems that pomegranate can cure effectively-
- Anti-Aging Benefits of Pomegrante: High anti-ageing properties of Pomegranate can revitalize skin both from internally as well as externally. The extracted oil from the seeds helps to strengthen the epidermis, thus reduces wrinkles and tones up the cells to look young and bright.
- Benefits of Pomegranate in Reducing Pimples: Accumulation of sebum in facial skin, indigestion and poor blood circulation are the root causes of pimples in the face. Pomegranate’s rich antioxidant, Vitamin C and dietary fiber helps in reducing pimples.
- Pomegranate Helps Keeps Natural Health Of Skin: Pomegranate reduces secretion of certain types of enzymes that break collagen and also induces the growth of fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are the cells that secrete collagen. On the other hand, Collagen is a substance that makes human skin look and feel soft and firm. Hence, pomegranate has dual effect in toning up the skin naturally.
- Pomegranate is Beneficial in Nourishment and Renewal of Cells: Anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant property of Pomegranate nourishes skin cells from inside. Thus, skin faces less damage, higher rate of cell regeneration and delayed death of existing active cells.
- Heart Health Benefits of Pomegranate: Pomegranate has immense benefit for the heart and blood vessels. The fruit has a unique compound called “Punicalagin”. It’s the compound that gives antioxidant characteristic to pomegranate. This same compound lowers cholesterol, decreases blood pressure and enhances the melting rate of atherosclerosis (heart blockages).
- Weight Loss Benefits of Pomegranate: Both pomegranate juice and seeds support effective weight loss. Pomegranate juice is capable to burn extra fats in belly and thus reducing the risk of obesity. On the other hand, seeds reduce appetite resulting decreased proneness for frequent eating.
- Health Benefits of Pomegranate in Pregnancy: For several reasons pomegranate is a perfect food during pregnancy. Its low calorie content with nil cholesterol along with presence of all relevant nutrients help in proper body functioning which is essential during pregnancy. At the same time, studies have proved that regular drinking of pomegranate juice helps in protecting placenta from injuries due to certain cell damages.
- Health Benefits of Pomegranate on the Digestive System: Pomegranate contains almost 12% of dietary fiber in 100gm of the fruit. Dietary fiber helps the stomach and other digestive organs to digest food ingredients smoothly. The fruit also supports effortless bowel movement.
- Benefits of Pomegranate as an Anti-inflammatory Agent: Chronic inflammation is responsible for many deadly diseases including cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, and dementia. Pomegranate has very effective anti-inflammatory properties which is again mostly due to “Punicalagins”. Studies have shown that it can reduce inflammation caused by colon cancer, breast cancer, and stomach unrest etc.
- Health Benefits of Pomegranate as an Anti-cancer Agent: This wonderful fruit fights against cancer. It has been observed by the researchers that pomegranate can reduce the growth of cancer cells and can even initiate apoptosis (death of only harmful cells without harming good cells) in cancer cells.
- Sexual Health Benefits of Pomegranate in Increasing Libido: Several researches have shown regular eating of pomegranate increases level of testosterone in human body for both male and female. Hence, it boosts sexual urge for both the sexes.
- Mental Health Benefits of Pomegranate-
- Stress Control: A research team from Queen Margaret University has proved that apart from other health benefits, pomegranate is also good for stress management specially in working environment. Regular drinking of pomegranate juice reduces stress hormones like cortisol and also decreases high blood pressure quite significantly. Thus, within a few months stress comes under control.
- Health Benefits of Pomegranate in Increasing Memory: Studies have shown that pomegranate can increase memory especially in elderly persons. It’s also found to be very effective for memory loss in dementia patients.
- Oral Health Benefits of Pomegranate: This multifunctional fruit can also fight against microorganism quite effectively. Fungus and germs formed due to oral cavities, gingivitis, periodonitis etc. can be controlled with the help of pomegranate juice.
- Benefits of Pomegranate on Bone Health: Studies have shown that pomegranate can help prevent osteoarthritis and many other bone problems. There are certain enzymes that are directly responsible for joint inflammation and joint weakness. Pomegranate blocks those enzymes thus reducing osteoarthritis.
- Pomegranate Benefits in Preventing Infections: Human body is always susceptible to bacterial and fungal infections. Pomegranate is the most antioxidant rich fruit in the world. It has the strong ability to fight against all types of infections affecting any body part or organ including urinary bladder, liver, kidney, stomach and intestines.
There are many other health benefits of pomegranate. For all its positive impact on health it’s considered amongst the healthiest fruits in the planet.
Nutritional Value of Pomegranate
In a 100gm of pomegranate fruit the following weight of nutrients are present:
- Carbohydrate, Protein and Fats: In 100gms of pomegranate, 18.70gm carbohydrate, 1.67gm protein and 1.17gm fats are present.
- Vitamins: Pomegranate is rich in multi-vitamins. Let’s have a look at the presence of different values of vitamins in 100gm of pomegranate-
- Vitamin C – 10.2mg
- Vitamin E – 0.60mg
- Vitamin K – 16.4µg
- Niacin – 0.293mg
- Pyridoxine – 0.075mg
- Riboflavin – 0.053mg
- Pantothenic Acid – 0.135mg
- Folates – 38 µg
- Thiamin – 0.067mg
Pomegranate doesn’t contain Vitamin A.
- Minerals: Typical 100gm of pomegranate contains following values of different minerals-
- Calcium – 10mg
- Copper – 0.158mg
- Iron – 0.30mg
- Magnesium – 12mg
- Manganese – 0.119mg
- Zinc – 0.35mg
- Phosphorous – 36mg
- Selenium – 0.5 µg
- Electrolytes: 3gm of sodium and 236mg of potassium are present in 100gm of pomegranate. Both are very important electrolytes for human circulatory system.
- Dietary Fiber and Sugar: 100gm of pomegranate contains 4gm of dietary fiber and 14gm of sugar.
Pomegranate is indeed a super food. This delicious and juicy fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals and electrolytes. It’s proved by researchers that pomegranate is one of the healthiest fruit having all natural ingredients that a human body requires daily. Its high antioxidant characteristics have also found to be immensely beneficial for human body system and skin health. So, pomegranate is a nature’s gift to human to keep human race healthy and hearty forever.