Towel Stretch Exercise For Pulled Calf Muscle
To begin with the rehabilitation exercises for Pulled Calf Muscle or Calf Strain, you need to start with the Towel Stretch. To do this exercise, you need to sit with one leg stretched in front. Now, put a towel around the ball of foot and gently tug the towel towards the body all the while keeping the knee straight. You need to maintain the position for at least half-a-minute before relaxing. Do this exercise at least three times.
Once the above exercise can be done relatively easily then you can try the following stretching exercise for pulled calf muscle:
Standing Calf Stretches For Pulled Calf Muscle
Face towards a wall and touch the wall with the hands at about the level of eyes. Place one leg backwards with heel touching the floor and the other leg forwards as shown in the picture. Turn the back foot a little bit inwards and slowly start leaning towards the wall till the time you get a stretching sensation in the back of your muscle of the calf. Maintain this position for about half a minute. Do this exercise about three times. This stretching exercise for pulled calf muscle needs to be done quite a few times everyday.
After doing the above exercise for two or three days, you can start doing the following strengthening exercises for pulled calf muscle:
Resisted Ankle Plantar Flexion For Pulled Calf Muscle
For this exercise, you need to sit with the leg stretched in front of body. Now put a loop about the ball of foot and hold each end of the loop in both hands. Now, slowly push the ball of the foot down thus stretching the loop. Then, return to starting position. Try and do this exercise at least 10 times in sets of three.
The following exercises are done when the calf has healed enough to do these exercises without pain.
Heel Raises For Pulled Calf Muscle
For this exercise, use a chair for maintaining balance. Raise yourself on your toes and stay there for about 10 seconds. Then, gradually come down to the starting position. You can hold on to the chair for balance if required. Gradually, when the intensity of the pain becomes less with this exercise, then try and maintain the body weight on one leg only. Do the exercise at least 10 times thrice a day.
Single Leg Balance Exercise For Pulled Calf Muscle
In this exercise for calf strain, you need to stand without any support and try to balance yourself on one leg. To start with you can do the exercise with open eyes and then try it out with eyes closed. Maintain the position for about half-a-minute and repeat with each leg at least three times.
Nose Touch Exercise For Pulled Calf Muscle
Stand with one leg facing the wall. Stand a couple of inches away form the wall. With the whole body kept straight, slowly try to lean forward as if trying to touch the wall with the nose. You need to ensure that your waist is not bent when doing this exercise. Do this exercise for pulled calf at least 10 times thrice a day.
Wall Jump Exercise For Pulled Calf Muscle
To do this exercise, face the wall and place a piece of tape a couple of feet above the head. Now, try and jump up with the arms over the head in an attempt to touch the tape. The movement should one as if there is a spring in the bottom. Now, try this with one leg. Do sets of 10 at least thrice.
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