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Top 10 of The Best Medical Tourism Companies

According to research by Oxford Economics Corporation, by 2025, the turnover in medical tourism worldwide will reach more than three trillion dollars. The global market is estimated at $439 billion annually. It will grow by at least 25% per year in the next ten years.

Millions of people travel abroad to seek healthcare for treating cardiovascular diseases, infertility, and oncology, as solutions to aesthetic problems. Many are Americans without health insurance, looking for lower prices than in the United States, or Britons and Canadians who have reached a dead end or have long queues at hospitals at home. Medical tourism companies assist them, choose the best clinics and doctors, and organize their trips.

Top 10 of the best medical tourism companies

There is a wide range of agencies worldwide, including those that offer specialized healthcare, such as robotic rehabilitation or Lutetium-177 therapy. Here are a few of the best:

  1. Airomedical

    Website: airomedical.com

    A medical tourism agency in Heidelberg (Germany) cooperates with internationally accredited hospitals and the best specialists. It works with clinics in Asia, Europe, North and South America each offering treatment in a specific specialty and meeting strict international accreditation standards. They provide patients with world-class healthcare in plastic surgery, dentistry, stem cell, and anti-aging therapy.

  2. Betamedics

    Website: www.betamedics.com

    It is the coordinator between the patient and the leading hospitals in Belgium, known for their developments and discoveries in:

    • oncology (minimally invasive treatment of liver cancer);
    • organ transplantation;
    • orthopedics;
    • hematology;
    • reproductive gynecology;
    • rehabilitation.

    The company will provide all the necessary information on Belgium’s cost and treatment options.

  3. Swiss Medical Gate

    Website: www.swissmedicalgate.com

    An international medical tourism agency works with the university, private hospitals, and world-renowned doctors in Switzerland. It offers patients strong medical networks in Europe with the best available technologies and innovations, as well as world-renowned doctors and hospitals.

  4. International Patient Center

    Website: www.ipc.nl

    Medical tourism company in Rotterdam. It is a leading agency that helps patients and attending physicians seeking treatment in the Netherlands. IPC offers full support to patients in everything from travel plans, second opinions, and accommodation to access to healthcare providers.

  5. Health Plus World Medical Adviser

    Website: www.health-plus.com

    It was founded in 2010 and initially focused on Israel’s highest healthcare support for foreign citizens. The company is responsible for the organization of all stages of diagnosis and treatment of patients. The company has a vast network of representative offices in many countries of Eastern and Western Europe, countries of the Mediterranean basin.

  6. Manor Medical Center

    Website: www.manormedicalgroup.com

    The largest private provider of healthcare, successfully operating in the Israeli and international markets for the last five years. MMC organizes an individual and effective treatment program for each patient with a leading specialist in Israel.

  7. Praga Medica

    Website: www.medicalservicesprgue.com

    Founded in 2009, it is now one of the leading medical tourism companies in the Czech Republic. Organizes all aspects of a medical or dental trip to the Czech Republic, including finding and contacting the most suitable hospital. Services available at Praga Medica include:

    • plastic surgery;
    • aesthetic medicine;
    • laser eye surgery;
    • infertility treatment;
    • orthopedic surgery.
  8. MediCzech

    Website: www.mediczech.com

    MediCzech is a leading intermediary in medical tourism, providing high-quality and inexpensive healthcare in the Czech Republic. It offers various services, including plastic surgery and cardiac, vascular, bariatric, and dental treatment. In addition, following the long tradition of spa medicine in the country, it also offers wellness treatments at Czech thermal spa resorts.

  9. Medical Travel

    Website: www.medicaltravelczech.com

    A medical tourism agency based in Prague. It cooperates with leading specialists and hospitals in the Czech Republic to provide foreign clients with high-quality and affordable healthcare. Services available include:

    • plastic surgery;
    • obesity surgery;
    • proton cancer therapy.

    Clients are supported throughout the treatment process by an experienced team of international representatives who help plan and organize a trip, meet at the airport with an English-speaking driver, provide initial transfer to the hospital, and round-the-clock assistance in Prague.

  10. Sani Medical Tourism

    Website: www sanidentalgroup.com

    Sani Medical Tourism, based in Vicente Guerrero (Mexico), supports local and foreign patients looking for high-quality and affordable dental and medical services. The company was founded in 1985 as Sani Dental Group and has become the most significant dental hospital in the city, commonly known as the “Molar City.” Now it has different destination options and 20 enterprises united by a concern for patients’ health. It has expanded to offer stem cell therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, plastic, and reconstructive surgery, general surgery, urological surgery, hair transplantation, and aesthetic medicine.

    Treatment abroad may seem like a frightening prospect. AiroMedical will take care of the patient’s communication with the hospital, including recommendations on the choice of a clinic, preparation of a treatment program using unique technologies and necessary medical documents, and planning the entire trip for the patient and his loved ones.

  11. The Top Tours

    Website: thetoptours.com

    TheTopTours.com is a leading medical tourism facilitator in India that connects patients from around the world with the best doctors and hospitals in the country for various medical conditions. The company has a vast network of top hospitals and doctors across India, ensuring that patients receive the best medical care and treatment available.

    Apart from providing access to world-class medical facilities and doctors, TheTopTours.com also takes care of the accommodation needs of the patient and their caretakers during their stay in India. The company offers affordable packages for various medical procedures, including cancer treatment, cardiac care, orthopedic surgeries, bariatric surgeries, cosmetic surgery, and dental surgery. TheTopTours.com aims to make medical tourism in India hassle-free and comfortable for patients from around the world, with a dedicated team of professionals always ready to assist with any queries or concerns.

    Contact us at Call +91 7075982162 or [email protected]


Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:February 29, 2024

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