How Do You Prevent Graves’ Disease?

Graves’ disease is a disorder where there is an excess production of hormones. The illness occurs because the thyroid gland receives a false signal due to a thyroid-stimulant hormone produced by antibodies. It is unclear why there is a production of these antibodies, which are responsible for an increase in the production of hormones.

Fortunately, curing Graves’ disease is possible when you can identify it in the early stage.

How Does the Disease Develop?

The pituitary gland present in the brain is responsible for controlling the hormone level required by the body. The pituitary gland releases the chemical known as thyroid-stimulating hormone, which is responsible for sending a signal to the thyroid gland for the production of hormones. However, due to a false signal created by the antibodies, the thyroid gland overworks and produces an excess of the hormones than the body requires.

An increase in the hormone level generates hyperthyroidism that eventually increases inflammation level and indicates that the immune arrangement is out of command and attacking the body’s self-health system.

The Noticeable Changes

You can identify the presence of Graves’ disease by noticing simple effects such as mood swings, appearance, weight, and a few other components. These include nausea, vomiting, bulging eyes, increased heartbeat, and improper functioning of the metabolism.

How Do You Prevent Graves’ Disease?

How Do You Prevent Graves’ Disease?

Preventing Graves’ Disease Using Conventional Treatment

Apart from the physical changes observed, patients also suffer from anxiety, depression, changes in appetite, trouble in sleeping, and trembling sensations. The three conventional treatments include:

Antithyroid Medicines – The common medication includes methimazole and propylthiouracil. These medicines are helpful in limiting the release of hormones by the thyroid glands. However, they are useful for short-term use. Additionally, it is crucial to discuss the side effects produced by the medicines with the doctor.

Radioactive Iodine Therapy – The treatment involves the use of radioactive iodine, which is responsible for destroying cells that are helpful in the creation of thyroid glands. Although the treatment results in the reduction of excessive production of hormones, it develops hyperthyroidism. Due to this reason, the patient requires continuous use of levothyroxine medicine for the rest of the life.

Surgery – Surgical procedure involves the removal of the thyroid gland, which also generates or develops hyperthyroidism along with other complications such as nerve damage to the vocal cord. Doctors opt for surgery on rare occasions.

Preventing Graves’ Disease Using Natural Treatment

Managing Stress – an increase in stress level ignites autoimmune, which produces antibodies that send a false signal to the thyroid glands for the production of hormones. Changes to both psychological and physical stress will be helpful in controlling Grave’s disease.

Anti-inflammatory Diet – it is possible to reduce inflammation with the help of a healthy diet. It also helps in enhancing the immune system and manages the gut environment. A few of the ways through which you can trigger autoimmune reaction includes consumption of allergenic products such as dairy products, gluten products, and others. Focus on a diet that is free from conventional dairy products, added sugar, artificial flavorings, gluten, and GM ingredients. Also, keeping away from foods that are rich in iodine is also helpful. Because of this reason, you will be keeping away from certain plants and herbs. It is preferable to consult a dietician who will help in chalk out an anti-inflammatory diet. Foods that can help control Grave’s disease include fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, parsley, oregano, basil, bone broth, spices such as ginger, garlic, and turmeric, probiotics, and healthy fats such as omega-3.


An examination is the first step towards the treatment, and consulting the doctor will be helpful in designing the treatment plan that helps in preventing Graves’ disease.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:June 14, 2021

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