Tips To Cope With Low Back Pain While Sitting
- Sit only for short periods and take breaks on an as needed basis to stand or walk for a couple of minutes. It will be a refreshing break for your back.
- Maintain a comfortable posture while sitting, avoid hunching.
- Place a supportive cushion or rolled towel behind your back while sitting or driving. Keep a padded cushion or rolled towel at the belt line at the back especially while driving long distances.
- Avoid bending forward at the waist, while standing up from sitting position. Preferable to use a chair with hand rest which can be of help while standing from seated position.
- A low soft and good looking couch or sofa can be enticing to sit, but if you are having low back pain, you need to avoid using such couch as it can do more harm than good especially while trying to stand from seated position.
- It does look more comfortable to sit with legs outstretched straight upfront, but for people suffering from low back pain they are better off avoiding sitting with legs straight out. Also it is advisable to avoid sitting in a bath tub, rather prefer a standing shower.
Tips To Cope With Low Back Pain While Standing
- If your job requires you to stand long hours and you do not have an option but to stand then find some foot rest or a small stool on which you can rest one leg and keep alternating your foot on it. This can help take some stress of your back while standing long hours.
- Also do stretch yourself a bit after continuous standing by doing back bends.
- One needs to maintain a good steady posture not only while sitting, but also while standing or walking. Better to avoid having forward half bent positions while standing too long.
Tips To Cope With Low Back Pain While Lifting
- Follow correct lifting technique while lifting any object. Keep your back straight while lifting. Person suffering from low back pain is the best judge to know what is it that one can lift and what one cannot and which position is likely to flare-up his back pain.
- Do not take chances with your back as it can affect the quality of your life.
- If there is something that you feel you should avoid then do not try it out.
Tips To Cope With Low Back Pain While Sleeping
- Choosing the right mattress is very important to have a pain free back. Extremely soft mattress which does not provide proper contour to your back can do more damage than good.
- Many may find it beneficial to lie down on the carpet on the floor rather than sleeping on a soft mattress.
Tips To Cope With Low Back Pain While Bending Forward
- Do continue with your day to day activities like vacuuming, gardening which involves bending forward, walking, lifting etc as long as your body permits you to, without causing any pain or discomfort in the back. Moment you get some signs of discomfort or pain in the back, you need to stop right away. Do not overdo any activities.
Tips To Cope With Low Back Pain While Coughing And Sneezing
- There have been many instances of people hearing a click in the back on sneezing or having severe pain in the back with sneezing and coughing. This can be an indicator of slip disc or severe muscle spasm. One cannot stop coughing or sneezing but see if you can just tighten your back muscles, abdominal muscles and chest muscles when you think you are going to cough or sneeze because tightening these muscles can act as a support for your lumbar disc.
Tips to Cope With Backache While Sitting, Standing, Sleeping, Driving
Tips To Cope With Low Back Pain While Driving A Car
- If you have to drive long distance then keep changing the seating position once every couple of hours. Keeping moving your seat near or away from steering wheel as long as you are able to drive comfortably and safely.
- Use a cushion or a rolled over towel behind the belt line on and off during long distance driving.
- It is important to take a break once every couple of hours while driving long distance and stretch your body a bit.
- Avoid driving long distances if you are having back pain or discomfort in the back. You will be better off being a passenger than being a driver yourself, let someone else take over the wheels.
Also Read:
- Treatment for Back Pain
- Coping With Back Pain Made Easier With These Home Remedies
- Physical Therapy for Back Pain
- Spinal Cord Stimulator for Relieving Back Pain
- Sleeping Postures To Prevent Back Pain & Neck Pain
- Measures To Alleviate Low Back Pain When Driving Long Distance
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