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Is Brushing Lips With Toothbrush Helpful?

Did You Know You Can Brush Your Lips With Your Toothbrush And Benefit From It!!!

Brushing lips with a soft-bristled toothbrush can exfoliate the flaking skin and prevent chapped lips. It stimulates the blood flow and gives a smoother appearance to the lips. While using a toothbrush on lips it is important to be very gentle. It is actually a good way to remove dead skin from the lips.

Is Exfoliating Lips With A Toothbrush Okay?

Brushing lips with a toothbrush once in a week is ok. Over exfoliating can make the lips dry.

The skin on the lips is very sensitive and thin as well. Like most parts of the body produce oil to keep them moist, skin on lips do not. Frequently licking lips when they feel dry is a normal habit observed in many. This habit of frequent licking can irritate the lips.(1)

Exfoliating them with a toothbrush once in a week and remove the dead skin. You can moisturize them thereafter to keep them soft and supple.

How To Brush The Lips?

How To Brush The Lips?

Toothbrush with soft bristle is all you need to brush the lips. Coconut oil or olive oil can be applied after exfoliation.

Natural exfoliants using household ingredients such as oatmeal, coffee, baking soda, and even toothpaste can be used to brush the lips.

How To Brush The Lips:

  • Wet the lips with lukewarm water
  • Spread a layer of exfoliant on the lips
  • Brush lips gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush in a circular motion
  • Wash off with warm water and apply moisturizer

There are certain ingredients that should be avoided as they can further dry the lips. The ingredients include:

  • Menthol
  • Lanolin
  • Eucalyptus
  • Phenol
  • Propyl gallate
  • Octinoxate
  • Perfumes and flavors

Does Brushing Lips Make Them Bigger?

There is no evidence that proves that brushing lips would make them bigger. It does temporarily increase blood flow. Brushing them too much just to make them bigger will only irritate the skin.

Lips can be kept healthy by following the below-mentioned habits:

  • Applying vitamin E
  • Staying hydrated
  • Using shea butter, cocoa butter, and coconut oil on the lips or using a lip balm with these ingredients
  • Removing lipstick while going to bed
  • Using a primer before applying lipstick
  • Using peppermint oil, as it increases circulation
  • Applying aloe vera on lips as it promotes healing

Other Ways To Exfoliate Lips

If you find lips getting cracked or irritated on using a toothbrush while exfoliation, you can simply apply an exfoliant and rub the lips with the tip of the finger.

If the lips are chapped and very dry, you can even skip exfoliation and simply apply products to moisturize and soothe them. These products include coconut oil, cocoa butter, petroleum jelly, beeswax, glycerine.

There are certain habits that can be adopted to avoid dryness of lips:

  • Avoid licking lips
  • Avoid using lip balms with flavors and scents
  • Protect lips from cold air
  • Use a lip balm with SPF while going out in the sun

Brushing lips gently with a toothbrush helps get rid of dead skin. But remember do not over-exfoliate them as it can irritate the delicate skin on the lips.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 6, 2020

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