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Is it Necessary to Use Sunscreen Every Day?

Most of us are under the thought of wearing sunscreen just when going out in the sun or just during summer months. But the fact is that sunscreens should be applied every day of the year.

Is it Necessary to Use Sunscreen Every Day?

Is It Necessary To Use Sunscreen Every Day?

Ultraviolet rays present in the sun light, damage the skin and also can cause skin cancer. It is not that they are not present in winter sun or during the cloudy days. Clouds just block the visible sun rays. UV rays can pass through the cloud and lead to skin damage even then. Hence, there is a need for photoprotection. Sunscreens are such photoprotectors that act as barriers and protect the skin from damage from UV rays.1

Most of the people avoid sunscreens because of the sticky nature, but now a wide variety is available depending on your needs such as:

  • Broad Spectrum. The sunscreens labeled as broad-spectrum provide protection against the UVA and UVB rays.
  • Water Resistant. Water resistant ones provide protection in water for a specific period of time.
  • Sun Protection Factor. It is a numerical value which indicates the level of protection provided. A minimum of 15 to 30 SPF is considered apt to wear every day. It is also necessary to reapply sunscreen every 2 hours as the effect wears off.
  • Active Ingredients. Always note the ingredient of the sunscreen whether they are physical ingredients or chemical ingredients.

Physical ingredients such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide prove physical protection and reflect the dangerous UV rays. Chemical ingredients in chemical sunscreens protect the skin by absorbing ultraviolet energy. There are chances of getting an allergic reaction with these sunscreens.

Why Is It Necessary To Wear Sunscreen Every Day?

  • Using sunscreen is for skin protection.
  • If you are not in a habit of applying sunscreen every day then the below-mentioned points will make you know what damage you are causing to your skin.

Sunscreens Protect All Types of Skin From Cancer

Melanin present in the skin cells provides natural protection from sunburn. Still, the skin needs extra protection from the harmful UV rays which the sunscreens can provide. UV rays increase the risk of skin damage and cancer and it is more in fair skin due to low melanin present in the skin cells.

Premature Aging

Long hours in sun increase the risk of aging, therefore if you think the skin will age as the years of your age increase, please make it possible by wearing sunscreen every day and protecting skin from early aging due to sun rays. This benefit makes it all the more necessary to use sunscreen every day.

Sun Damages Are There Even When It Is Not On Your Top

UV rays easily penetrate the clouds, so if you are under a thought that it’s not sunny and you can skip wearing a sunscreen, better not do that. You will still be in the radar of damage by the UV rays when the clouds cover the sun.

There is Nothing Known As Safe Tan

Never be fooled with the word safe tan, it’s nothing like that. Whenever you tan your skin, there is a certain level of cellular damage you are causing your skin to undergo. Wear sunscreen whenever out in sun.

Now you are aware of the problems caused by UV rays and that it is necessary to use sunscreen every day. If you do not want to splurge money in the treatment of skin damage and skin cancers, better wear sunscreen and protect your skin from the unwanted damage.


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK537164/

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:May 23, 2019

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