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How Long Can You Have A Brain Aneurysm?

It is always frightening for any individual when he or she learns about the existence of a brain aneurysm. Although the chance of a ruptured brain aneurysm is a relatively low, they do have the capability of turning the situation into a severe illness with a high rate of disability and mortality. It is very tough for any person to survive a brain aneurysm. The only possible way to overcome the situation is by learning about the symptoms and seeking medical attention in the initial stages. It is difficult for a doctor to confirm the presence of a brain aneurysm until there has been a rupture.

Understanding Brain Aneurysm

A brain aneurysm is a condition where the blood from the artery enters the skull due to a rupture. The area where the fracture occurs causes changes in the functionality of the individual such as modified speech, severe headache, vomiting, nausea, blurred vision, and death. In a few situations, depending on the severity of the condition, it is possible to cure the disease using advanced surgical methodology. A brain aneurysm occurs in two different types – Saccular and Fusiform.

How Long Can You Have A Brain Aneurysm?

How Long Can You Have A Brain Aneurysm?

A brain aneurysm lasts approximately for 18 minutes. According to a survey, around 30,000 people in the United States alone suffer from brain aneurysm rupture every year. 40% of the registered cases are fatal. The remaining surviving cases suffer from permanent neurological problems. In addition to this data, about 15% of the patients die before they receive any medical attention or while on their way to the hospital. The reason behind the deaths is due to the sudden rupture of the artery and the flow of the blood into space in the brain. Such instances make it impossible for any doctor to correct it even using an advanced surgical procedure.

At least four people out of seven suffer from permanent disabilities after they receive treatment. Although doctors take utmost care while choosing an appropriate treatment procedure, patients do develop disabilities due to the rupture. The occurrence of the disability varies from one to another and depends on the severity of the condition and the location of the breach. The survey also provided an insight into the age – most of the patients are between 35 and 60 years old. However, the chances are low that it can occur in children as well.

Warning Signs Or Symptoms

The existence of warning signs or symptoms states the presence of a brain aneurysm. A rupture occurs only when the size is greater than 10 mm. Additionally large un-ruptured aneurysm also can press on the nerves, which leads to several neurological symptoms. The following are the symptoms that one should keep in mind irrespective of their age to seek immediate neurological assistance to check for the presence of a brain aneurysm:

  • Localized headache
  • Blurred vision
  • Dilate pupils
  • Pain behind the eyes
  • Difficulty in speaking
  • Numbness
  • Weakness

When rupture occurs, it results in subarachnoid hemorrhage where the bleeding escapes into the surrounding space of the brain. Due to this activity, the individual experiences some Brain Aneurysm symptoms, which are as follows:


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 21, 2023

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