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Can Mitral Valve Prolapse Cause Fatigue?

Can Mitral Valve Prolapse Cause Fatigue?

Mitral valve disease is caused by the impaired mitral valve present between the left atrium and ventricle of the heart. Mitral valve prolapse is a condition wherein there is impaired flow of blood due to the faulty mitral valve. The impaired functioning of the valve produces stress on the heart increasing the workload. The heart muscles require extra energy to do the daily activities the amount of blood, which is pumped with each heartbeat is decreased. The heart has to put extra efforts to spill the same volume of blood as normal heart. Over a period of time heart muscles becomes weak resulting in enlarged muscles and developing pressure on the lungs. Mitral valve prolapse produces symptoms such as fatigue, palpitations, chest pain, migraine, pulmonary hypertension and shortness of breath. The risk factors for mitral valve prolapse include age, hereditary, endocarditis, magnesium deficiency, alcohol, and caffeine. Mitral valve prolapse does not require treatment unless the symptoms are severe and need immediate medical attention.[1]

Can Mitral Valve Prolapse Cause Fatigue?

Reasons for fatigue in patients with mitral valve prolapse:

Inadequate Supply Of Blood. In patients diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse, the mitral valve is enlarged and does not close tightly resulting in the leaky valve. This prevents flowing of blood normally to the entire body. There will be inadequate supply of oxygenated blood resulting in fatigue.

Imbalances In The Autonomic Nervous System. People suffering from mitral valve prolapse often have an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for regulating heart rate and breathing.[2] There is impaired heartbeat and shortness of breath in mitral valve prolapse. This is because of impaired oxygen supply. Hence, the patients experience symptoms even at rest.

Pulmonary Hypertension. Lungs will not be receiving adequate amounts of oxygenated blood adding to the crisis, there will be increased pressure developed on the right side of the heart resulting in pulmonary hypertension.[3]

Age. This is one of the main causes of fatigue.

Tips to overcome fatigue in mitral valve prolapse:

  • Try to save energy
  • Have a regular time schedule
  • Include exercise and physical activities in your routine
  • Include lots of fruits and vegetables in the diet and have a balanced nutritious diet
  • Have a good night sleep
  • Have a defined timetable to eat, sleep and have power naps
  • Try to do relaxation, meditation or yoga
  • Try to eradicate nutrient deficiencies
  • Take adequate rest[4]

Discuss with your doctor about the symptoms who can advise you supplements, which can help in keeping the energy levels. CoQ10 is one such product which is present in the heart; it is present in mitochondria, the powerhouse of cell. The heart muscles generate energy from CoQ10 for pumping blood. In mitral valve prolapse as the energy required in doubled, intake of CoQ 10 can help in overcoming fatigue.[5]

Magnesium supplements and Zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6 supplements are useful in reducing stress. Magnesium is a muscle relaxant which relaxes arteries reducing the blood pressure making easier for the heart to pump blood.[6] Magnesium is also found to be useful in controlling symptoms of metabolic syndrome.

L-carnitine is responsible for generating energy from fats. Heart utilizes energy from fats in the form of fatty acids. It also improves survival rate in heart patients.[7]

Fatigue is a common symptom which can be seen in a number of conditions including, but not limited to thyroid disorder, heart disease or diabetes, alcohol, drugs, sedentary lifestyle, work stress or emotional disturbance resulting in depression and grief. The symptoms of fatigue can be characterized by physical, mental and emotional. Patients suffering from fatigue will be tired and will have excessive sleepiness, headache, irritability, and poor concentration, loss of appetite, dizziness and aching muscles.

Your doctor would be the best judge to identify the cause of fatigue. Fatigue is usually accompanied by a number of symptoms, which helps in the differential diagnosis of the disease condition. Based on the differential diagnosis doctors will prescribe medicines and lifestyle changes for a healthy outcome.


Mitral valve prolapse results in fatigue as there is decreased supply of oxygenated blood to the lungs and the entire body. Food supplements such as CoQ10, magnesium, and carnitine provides energy to the heart muscles and help in fighting fatigue.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:September 15, 2022

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