Living with ARVC and Outlook of Patients
ARVC i.e. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy is a type of inherited condition, which means, it passes on through family members. The problem takes place because of mutation or change in one or more than one genes. Chances related to inheritance of ARVC may vary and one can inherit the mutation, but do not develop the respective condition.
Living with ARVC
Proteins are responsible to hold the cells of one’s heart muscles. In ARVC patients, proteins fail to develop properly and thereby, unable to hold the cells of heart muscles together. Muscles cells thus become detach leading to formation of fatty acids for repairing the damage.
ARVC often affects the right part of one’s heart, but in some cases, it affects both sides. Changes in heart muscles also indicate ventricle walls i.e., one among the four different chambers of your heart become stretched and thin.
Because of this, heart of a person fails to pump blood across the body in a proper way. ARVC may also result in abnormal heart rhythms, as it causes disruption of regular electric impulses of your heart as it passes from areas of scarred and damaged muscular cells.
ARVC-Rare Condition in Patients
ARVC is a rare condition and it has minimum five identifiable genetic causes. However, the patients and their family members often ask many questions about the best ways to treat this problem and exactly they can expect after they undergo with the diagnosis process. In addition, the doctors usually fail to determine the patients, which remain at relatively higher risk to develop fatal arrhythmias. However, based on the conditions of individuals, doctors have obtained the following essential outlook of patients.
Outlook of ARVC Patients
Improvement in Arrhythmias and ARVC Patients with ICD
Once patients undergo diagnostic process with ARVC, the doctors recommend them to follow proper treatment with the necessary medications and strictly avoid strenuous physical exercises. A few patients experienced bouts in combination with arrhythmias, which require changes in treatment procedures, medicines or ablations. However, a large number of individuals stop involving in any strenuous exercise at the early stage during the course of their diagnosis have shown improved results.
Furthermore, while talking about arrhythmias problem in patients, doctors have found that the death rate of patients reduced largely after their arrhythmias controlled successfully with medication or with the application of ICD. This is because; ICD has a major role to protect patients from sudden cardiac death and currently, a large number of patients with ARVC symptoms are undergoing with this treatment.
Another research study on ARVC, the patients has revealed that progression of the disease is relatively slow. Because of this, it is difficult for cardiologists to predict the patients, in which progression of the disease take place quickly. Hence, application of ICD in ARVC patients for prevention of death is not mandatory for most of the patients.
Good Long-term Outlook in Many Patients
Long-term outlook of many patients undergone diagnosis with ARVC is good. Because of significant improvement in genetic testing and cardiac imaging procedure, a large number of individuals are able to identify the problem at the earliest stage of the problem as possible. Thus, similar to the case of any other type of chronic disease, the patients require some time to adjust with physical, psychological and emotional impacts of the problem, including ARVC problem.
A large number of individuals experiencing ARVC only or ARVC in combination with arrhythmias have learnt to cope up with the problem by taking the necessary medicines and following instructions provided by the cardiologists/doctors.
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