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How To Help Children Develop Healthy Habits?

Learning healthy habits is very important for children as it helps them lead a healthy life. Although teaching them can sometimes seem to be very difficult but with time and practice things go well, and it provides lifelong benefits.

How To Help Children Develop Healthy Habits?

How To Help Children Develop Healthy Habits?

Below are some tips and guidelines which can help you get started:

  1. Be a Role Model

    Practice yourself, whatever you want them to do. If you follow healthy eating habits or give physical activity importance in life then there are good chances that your child will follow the same. They would notice your efforts and get a message of the importance of health through your activities.

  2. Be Positive

    Teaching children in a positive way is very important. Children will never learn if you keep nagging them to do things. Praise them when they do something good. Celebrate their success as it helps in developing a good self-image. Make learning fun and positive for them.

  3. Limit Television, Video Game and Computer Time

    Watching television, playing video games, and spending time on the computer is very addictive and lead to a sedentary lifestyle and unnecessary snacking. This leads to an increase in the chances of risk of obesity and cardiovascular diseases. With childhood obesity on rise, these factors should be taken care of very well.

  4. Start Gradually

    Setting up a big goal in the beginning will make it difficult for a child to complete. Set up realistic goals. Taking small steps and bringing gradual changes can bring out big difference over time.

  5. Cook at Home

    Cooking meals at home might be a bit inconvenient for those busy all day, but it is far healthier than those packed unhealthy meals. A study done on kids eating home cooked food and those dependant on takeaway and processed food, showed the children eating takeaways meals are the ones who are overweight and obese.(1)

  6. Encourage Physical Activity and Outdoor Games

    Encouraging outdoor games increases the physical activity which is very necessary for the growth and development of a child. Increase in physical activity decreases the risk of obesity and related risks. Let them choose for themselves a sport they enjoy the most, this ensures that they will stick to it for longer and will enjoy as well.

    Walk wherever possible. If going to buy something from a nearby shop, never pick a vehicle. Go walking.

    You can also take your dog for a walk. These small things keep you active and going.

  7. Eat Meals Together

    When everyone sits together to eat there are fewer chances of children eating unhealthy food. Avoid scolding or arguing with the child at this time. A study published that families who had their meals together had children with normal weight and healthy eating patterns.(2)

    The junk food which children end up on is very low on nutrition and high on fats.

    Never allow children to sit in front of the television while eating. This makes them overeat and also develops the habit of binge eating.

  8. Don’t Overdo With Rewards

    Rewarding children for doing certain activity is good but making it frequent is not healthy. This ways child does things just to be rewarded and once you stop it they stop too. Never reward things like video games, mobile, snacks or candy. Look out for different ways to celebrate good behaviour.

  9. Stay Involved

    Being aware of the child’s daily activities is very necessary. Insisting on good food choice and keeping a check on health is of extreme importance.

  10. Help Them Distinguish Between Treats and Healthy Food

    Food rich in fats and sugar such as chocolates, ice creams, and candies should be classed as treats. Make them distinguish between them and healthy food and also allow such food occasionally. Keep a check on the portion of sweets consumed.

    Parents are the first example for the children as they are the ones with whom children interact with frequently.

    Adopting healthy habits is very important for healthy living not only for the children, but you as well.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 12, 2023

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