Approximately 5% of children in the US have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). More than half of these children carry the symptoms over to their adulthood as per the American Psychiatric Association. These are just the numbers that indicate the children who have been diagnosed; however, the scary thing is that a large number of these children remain undiagnosed even in their adulthood.
Undiagnosed or untreated ADHD can result in a number of physical and mental problems that strain relationships and make a lot of other aspects of daily life such as work quality at a job or school performance difficult. As per a research study, it has been seen that a lot of students who fail to perform well in school are found to be suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. Such students have their mind and thoughts involved in imaginary worldly affairs and feel detached from the actual world. As a result, these children fail to focus, fail to get involved in the school and hence, fetch poor grades.
This is why it is significant to be able to recognize ADHD symptoms and get appropriate and on time treatment for the same. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder symptoms start becoming fairly visible at an early age and become more prominent with age.
Is My Child’s Poor Performance at School Because of ADHD?
Here are 14 ADHD symptoms that can help you figure out whether your child is suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder or not:
#1. Lack of Focus: One of the most common ADHD symptoms is experiencing lack of focus. Children suffering from this psychological disorder very evidently struggle with paying attention and concentration. Such children are very conveniently distracted and tend to overlook details, find it difficult to listen to others while in a conversation and they are also unable to successfully complete a project or task and all this results in poor performance in school.
#2. Hyper Focus: Children suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) also suffer from something called as hyper focus. When someone gets so engrossed or engulfed in something to such an extent that they become unaware and indifferent to their surroundings, then this is known as hyper focus. Hyperfocus makes children ignore people around you and makes you lose track of time. This can create issues in getting involved in the class and hence result in poor grades and poor performance in school.
#3. Forgetfulness: All human beings tend to forget something or the other occasionally. That is normal. However, for a child suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), forgetfulness is a part of daily living. They forget things like important dates, simple formulas, alphabets, simple spellings, home address etc. Sometimes forgetfulness is harmless and not as important, but sometimes this ADHD symptom in a child is extremely serious because their forgetfulness can be very easily confused with carelessness when someone is unaware of their condition. This is one of those ADHD symptoms that can prove to be damaging to the child suffering from ADHD in terms of performance in the school as well as careers.
#4. Impulsiveness: Impulsiveness in a child affected with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) can be noticed in a number of ways. Reactions such as socially inappropriate behaviors, frequently interrupting others during a conversation, trying to finish tasks hastily, not considering the consequences of behaving in a certain way, and impulsive stubbornness are common from an ADHD child.
#5. Emotional Turmoil: Leading a life with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) can look messy and chaotic. A child with ADHD is always under a constant emotional flux. The smallest of frustrations can lead to severe mood swings and depression. Getting easily bored and constantly being in search of excitement is another sign of impulsiveness exhibited by ADHD patients. If you do not treat the emotional issues that come as a part of ADHD, they only add more complications to professional and personal relationships in school and in society. The child tends to remain secluded from the core life and hence perform poorly at school.
#6. Low Self-Image: Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) children are usually hypercritical of themselves. This results in a low self-image. ADHD symptoms such as lack of focus and concentration, forgetfulness and hyperfocus can strain their relationships and interfere with their work and school life drastically. ADHD can make them feel incompetent, unskilled in comparison to the other people around them. ADHD children may look at their struggles as underachievement and personal failures. This aspect contributes dramatically towards developing a poor self-image and poor performance at school.
#7. Disorganization: One of the most chaotic Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) symptoms is disorganization. Life can look chaotic once in a while for everyone, however; an ADHD child may experience a hectic life pretty much on a regular basis. ADHD patients often struggle with their organization skills. They simply cannot do the right thing at the right time, place the things in order and face trouble with time management. They are incapable of prioritizing tasks in a logical manner.
#8. Time Management Issues: Disorganization and time management issues are two Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) symptoms that work hand in hand. ADHD child struggles with using their time in an effective manner. They tend to procrastinate significant tasks, do not show up or show up late for significant events; ignore tasks and assignments that are important because they find it boring. They have difficulty in directing their focus towards the past or the future. Hence it is difficult to explain a visionary idea to ADHD children.
#9. Anxiety and Restlessness: If your child is an Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) patient then sitting at rest when idle shall be the most difficult task. Anxiety and restlessness in a symptom of ADHD, which prevent the children to sit and focus on their studies. Their desire to be on the move and to do something or the other all the time is a consequence of ADHD. Furthermore, if someone tries to stop them from doing so, it can result in frustration when they are unable to execute something that they want to do and can’t do it at that moment or almost immediately. This causes restlessness and anxiety and poor school performance. Just like restlessness, anxiety is also one of the most common ADHD symptoms. ADHD affected child’s is always on the run and always has persistent worrisome thoughts and events playing in their mind. In both children and adults, restlessness can also include fidgeting, moving around frequently, repeated tapping of feet or hands, inability to sit still and shifting of seats which eventually affects their performance in the school.
#10. Low Motivation Levels: Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) children feel easily bored and procrastinate significant tasks as a result of disorganization, lack of focus, low self-image, fatigue and forgetfulness. Since they take their ADHD struggles in their day to day lives as underachievement and personal failures, they suffer from lack of motivation to complete an assignment or an important project at school.
#11. Fatigue: Fatigue is one of the Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) symptoms that may come across as a surprise. It may sound strange but it is true. Fatigue in an ADHD child may be a result of sleep issues or hyperactivity. Fatigue could also be a result of an ADHD patient putting constant efforts to concentrate or focus. Fatigue can also be an ADHD medication side effect. However, strange it may sound, fatigue is one of the most common ADHD symptoms found both in children and adults. Fatigue can worsen ADHD struggles in the child.
#12. Health Problems: The daily struggles such as emotional problems, lack of motivation, disorganization, low self-image, impulsivity, lack of focus, concentration and forgetfulness can be a sign of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) in your child. ADHD patients also suffer from stress, anxiety and depression in some cases. These conditions can lead to a negative impact on their health and eventually affect the child’s participation in various activities in the school. Hence, it is important for you to motivate your children so that at least the existing ADHD condition does not worsen
#13. Relationship Problems: Symptoms such as overriding people in a conversation, being easily bored and exhibiting inattentiveness, being perceived as an irresponsible individual, uncaring and insensitive behavior in your child can be the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). As a result of these symptoms, your child may showcase an unprofessional behavior in the school. This in long term may lead to the same individual ending up in multiple divorces. Troubles with relationships also lead to loneliness and depression in ADHD patients.
#14. Mood Swings: Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) children are typically moody in nature. One moment they may feel that they are on the top of the world and at the other moment they could badly be sentimentally crushed because of an insignificant comment passed by someone that they may perceive as a harsh criticism. They are not absolute extremists when it comes to moods unlike a bipolar disorder patient; however, they exhibit difficult to tackle mood swings which affects their performance in school.
Conclusion: What You Need To Do
Medication and therapy particularly cognitive behavioral therapy can help children and adults having ADHD in reducing their ADHD symptoms and ADHD struggles and lead a better quality of life. If you think you or your loved one is exhibiting at least more than half of these ADHD symptoms then you should immediately consult a physician.
Remember being ignorant to a condition only worsens the situation, however, acceptance of the possibility of ADHD, timely diagnosis and treatment can help you or you’re loved one suffering from ADHD suffer a little less and struggle a little less. Mental health always needs close attention and critical monitoring. Thus it is important to consult a professional and follow the plan of action suggested. A combination of the right medicines and psychotherapy can make the life of an ADHD child more meaningful and productive in school and otherwise.
Not everyone is able to understand their constant struggle with life on a very regular basis and not everyone is as patient or well informed. You need to support your child and give him/her time to conduct activities which the other students of his class may complete in no time. Support, love, care and affection has proved out to be an effective medicine in children suffering from ADHD.
Also Read:
- 12 Things to do for Coping with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD or ADD) Successfully
- 7 Signs of Adult ADHD
- Music Therapy for ADHD
- Effectiveness and Safety of Adderall in Treating ADHD and Narcolepsy
- 7 Foods That Make ADHD Worse
- 10 Ways to Discipline a Child with ADHD at Home
- Is ADHD a Genetic Disease?
- Herbal Remedies for ADHD
- ADHD Drug Side Effects in Adults