Pink Himalayan salt is a type of salt that is mined near the Himalayas near Pakistan. It is claimed to be loaded with minerals and is of incredible health benefits. It is actually considered healthier than regular salt.
The Pink Himalayan Salt contains 98% of sodium chloride and the rest of it contains trace minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium. These minerals are responsible for the light pink tint of this salt. The lesser-known minerals that are preset in pink Himalayan salt are strontium and molybdenum. These minerals are present in the regular table salt in very less quantity.(1)
Pink Himalayan salt has been known to have a lot of health benefits but all these lack research.
Some common heath claims include:
- Reduces signs of aging
- Increase the libido
- Improves sleep quality
- Regulates blood sugar
- Balances body’s pH
Why Does The Body Need Salt?
Sodium, an essential trace mineral found in salt is required by the body for a variety of functions:
- Contracting and relaxing muscles
- Maintaining proper fluid balance
- Preventing dehydration
- Preventing low blood pressure
- Sending nervous impulses
Research also suggests eating salt can reduce the risk of infection and ill bacteria. (2)
A study also infers that salt has a positive effect on the symptoms of depression.
Benefits Of Pink Himalayan Salt And The Myths Linked With It
There is several health claims linked with the use of pink Himalayan salt and not all seem to be true.
1. Pink Himalayan Salt Has A Rich Mineral Content: Pink Himalayan salt contains up to 84 different minerals and 98% of sodium chloride.
98% of sodium chloride means only 2 % of trace minerals, which is a very low quantity to provide measurable or significant benefits.
2. Lower Sodium: It is claimed that pink Himalayan salt has less sodium, whereas both salts contain approximately 98% of sodium chloride.
The crystals of pink Himalayan are larger and saltier. This means you require less of pink Himalayan salt to achieve the same taste.
3. Pink Himalayan Salt Is More Natural Salt: Table salt is highly refined and has anti-caking agents such a sodium aluminosilicate or magnesium carbonate to prevent lumping.
Himalayan salt does not contain any additive and is less artificial.
4. Aids Hydration: A pinch of pink salt is needed to maintain optimal fluid balance and prevent dehydration.
Sodium is required to maintain a proper fluid balance which can be other sources as well.
Risk of Using Pink Himalayan Salt
The following are the risk associated with the use of pink Himalayan salt.
1. Low Iodine: Iodine is a mineral that the body needs to maintain for proper thyroid function and metabolism. Fish, dairy, sea vegetables, and eggs are good sources of iodine.
Iodized salt is another good source.
Pink Himalayan salt contains less iodine than that present in iodized salt.
If you are iron deficient or at risk of it and using pink Himalayan salt, you need to source iron from elsewhere.
2. Sodium Intake: Sodium might be necessary for preserving life, but is required in small quantities. Excess of sodium can affect health negatively. Those suffering from heart, kidney or liver issues should limit the use of salt including Himalayan salt.
Numerous health conditions associated with high sodium intake such as:
- Liver damage
- Osteoporosis
- Kidney disease
- Stroke
- Heart disease
Consuming excessive salt may contribute to autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and psoriasis. Salt over stimulates the immune system.
Research also suggests a link between salt intake and obesity.(3)
There is not much scientific evidence to the claims that Himalayan salt provides more health benefits than regular table salt.
Remember table salt is a major dietary source of iodine and those using pink salt would need to get it from other sources to avoid deficiency. Also, Himalayan salt is much expensive than regular salt. Therefore, if you do not mind additives, using regular table salt is just fine.