It is an ancient myth that the bones of the body become weak and brittle as one becomes old. The fact of the matter is that poor bones are normally caused by improper food habits and lack of proper nutrition. Both these things in combination lead to bone mineral density loss causing weak and brittle bones. Bones also require proper nutrition and care just like the other parts of the body as they are also made up of calcium and proteins [2].
Diet plays an important factor in promoting good and strong bones. There are quite a lot of things which an individual can do to make the bones strong. This process starts right from childhood and continues till the individual becomes old. Bones are made stronger by eating a well-balanced diet to include grains, vegetables, and fresh fruits along with foods rich in calcium [1].
Studies have shown that majority of people in the United States do not have adequate intake of calcium; however, it is not a difficult task to do. Taking just a couple of glasses of milk everyday along with other foods rich in calcium is good enough to make the bones strong. This article highlights some of the foods which can be taken to make the bones strong and healthy [1].
Foods to Make Bones Stronger
Increased Calcium. As stated above, proper intake of calcium is a must for strong and healthy bones. This can be done by including milk, fish, yogurt, green vegetables except spinach, and plenty of nuts in the diet [2]. Some of the other food products rich in calcium include soya beans, tofu, and sardine fish.
Spinach being a green vegetable is not a good source of iron as it contains plenty of oxalic acid which affects absorption of calcium by the body. Thus spinach is not a recommended food to make the bones strong [3].
Increase Vitamin D Intake. Along with calcium, vitamin D also has an important part to play in strong and healthy bones. Vitamin D promotes absorption of calcium by the bones thus making them strong. Thus inclusion of vitamin D in the diet is equally important [2].
Since this vitamin is not easily found in foods the best source of it is believed to be sunshine. Thus daily exposure to sun especially in the early morning hours every day should provide enough vitamin D for the body. Foods like sardine fish, cereals, and eggs are also good sources of vitamin D. Additionally, people can get vitamin D supplements from their primary care provider [3].
Fruits and Raw Vegetables. Apart from calcium and vitamin D, bones also require other nutrients like magnesium, potassium, and vitamin K to stay strong and healthy. Thus it is recommended to add foods rich in these nutrients. These include potatoes, broccoli, red pepper, leafy vegetables, and lots of sprouts [2]. Additionally fruits like grapes, apples, oranges, banana, and pineapples are also excellent for the overall health of the bones of the body [3].
Sodium Restriction. Sodium is considered to be unhealthy for the bones. In fact, excess salt is supposed to be unhealthy for overall body. Since salt is something which cannot be totally avoided, restriction of salt is something which is easily achievable. Eating outside should be done in moderation as salt is used as a preservative in many hotels and restaurants which again is not good for the bones [2].
For people with a known diagnosis of osteoporosis, calcium and vitamin D supplements will be prescribed by their physician along with other medications for this condition. For pure vegetarians who wish to have strong bones the following alternative are available [3].
- Oats
- Rice
- Fortified soya
- Tofu
- Plenty of pulses
- Bread
- Figs
- Dry apricots
In conclusion, age does not decide whether an individual has healthy or weak bones. It is the nutrition through diet that the bones of an individual get which decides the health of a bone. It is a well-known fact that calcium is a must for strong bones. Thus foods that are rich in calcium should be consumed in abundance [2].
This should be in addition to vitamin D and other nutrients that the bones need to stay healthy. Above mentioned are some of the ways to keep the bones strong. People with osteoporosis require additional medical management along with diet to keep the bones strong. Thus it is a must to watch the diet and to keep the bones strong and not repent afterwards [2].