What Can You Eat on a Bland Diet?

A bland diet is a diet containing food products that have low fiber content, are soft, cooked than raw, and is not spicy. The bland diet requires you to keep away from meat, spicy foods, vegetables containing citrus content, and medications such as aspirin. The reason for calling such a diet as bland diet is that it causes a soothing effect on the digestive system. Due to this, there is a drop in the acids produced or the irritation caused, which automatically dampen the underlying reason for causes of acid reflux disease / heartburn / GERD or other stomach related issues.

Who are Eligible to Opt for Bland Diet?

People who recently underwent intestinal surgery and those showing signs of vomiting, nausea, heartburn, and gas will achieve positive results by choosing the bland diet. Choosing this diet will help the digestive system to recover before it becomes ready to digest some hard foods.

What Can You Eat on a Bland Diet?

What Can You Eat on a Bland Diet?

The following is the list of foods that you can eat in the bland diet for acid reflux disease / heartburn / GERD or other stomach related issues:

  • Dairy products, such as milk, which is fat-free or has low-fat content.
  • Cooked foods
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables (however, it is preferable to avoid products that contain citrus)
  • Slices of bread, pasta, and crackers made from white flour
  • Refined hot cereals
  • Lean meat such as fish, poultry, and shellfish either steamed, cooked, grilled, or baked
  • Peanut butter
  • Custard
  • Eggs (without yolk)
  • Tofu
  • Chicken broth.

How are the Bland Diets Different from the Regular Diet?

As you can see from the list mentioned above, the bland diet has food ingredients that are abundant sources of fiber, both soluble and insoluble, along with iron, magnesium, potassium, and nutrients. All these elements represent a significant role in improving the condition of the stomach. In other terms, the digestive system functions appropriately and ensures that there is no irritation, which leads to the development of heartburn sensation, vomiting, nausea or other side effects.

In many cases, people who neglect the symptoms tend to develop disorders such as gastro esophageal reflux disease, ulcers, and pancreatic inflammation. All these not only increase the acidic reaction within the stomach but also weaken the lower esophageal system, which acts as a barrier between the mouth and the stomach.

Will the Bland Diet Cause Any Side Effect During Medical Treatment?

Several people who are on medical care do not have to worry about bland diet, as it shows negative side effects or lower effects. Nonetheless, the physician will talk in detail about the situation and gives an explanation of how the food affects the condition. Every food product has particular pH content along with the needed nutrients, vitamins, and other essential minerals. For a successful functioning of the body, it requires proper fuel, which it receives from the food that we eat.

When the body misses out receiving any of the requirements, there is a change to the functionality due to the reaction caused by consuming either hard or soft food. Once the bland diet sets the digestive track back to normal, you can then begin eating the food that you like. Nevertheless, ensure that you do not overeat, eat at a faster pace, abuse alcohol, smoke, or go for fried foods. All these have an adverse impact on the body and destroy the digestive system, bringing you back to the starting point again. In such cases, the recovery time will be long, and in certain conditions, the chances are zero.

To keep away from such instances and to lead a healthy life, adjust the food that you eat and bring changes to your lifestyle.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 22, 2018

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