What Foods Stimulate Peristalsis?

Peristalsis is a distinct wave, a kind of soothe muscles contraction that moves food into the different digestive system organs through the digestive tracts. After food is chewed into a bolus, it is swallowed and moved through the esophagus and carry the food into stomach, where it is churned into a liquid mixture. Peristalsis movement ends in the large intestine where the waste products are excreted from the anus. Peristalsis is crucial for digestion but sometimes the movement of peristalsis doesn’t work properly. Having constant constipation, vomiting, and diarrhoea could be an indication that something has gone wrong in the peristaltic movement and causes motility disorders. So, any foods you eat stimulate nerves, which initiates peristaltic action in the muscles. However, the type of food you eat and the amount you intake all have an impact on peristalsis.

There are certain foods which stimulate peristalsis more. Let us have a look at how food affects our digestive system and peristalsis.

Diet and Peristalsis

Food play a major role to boost digestive system viz., oily and spicy foods can irritate the stomach and alter the peristaltic movement thus causing problems in digestion. In the long run, it can also cause esophageal motility disorders. To avoid these, one needs to follow a non-spicy and non-oily diet. Moreover, one must always consume a meal in an upright position, chew well and after taking food, walk at least 20 minutes. Many experts recommended that in order to avoid complications of gastrointestinal reflux disease always choose high fiber and potassium rich foods and drink plenty of water regularly. Overall, foods and lifestyle affect the way your body digests what you eat. So, eat nutritious food that contributes to a better digestive system.

What Foods Stimulate Peristalsis?

What Foods Stimulate Peristalsis?

There are certain foods which stimulate peristalsis and helps in avoiding esophageal motility disorders. These are:

Eat a High Fibre Diet: Fibre is a type of carbohydrate that keeps your digestive system strong and healthy. It stimulates peristaltic movement by adding bulk to the food, which in turn bulges the intestine walls and trigger peristalsis activity. A deficiency of fibre can cause constipation, diarrhoea and even dehydration. High fibre food includes lentils, beans, avocados, acorn squash, chia seeds, green peas, broccoli, collard greens, oranges, and sweet potato. The current daily value (DV) for dietary fibre is 25 grams. You can have a small bowl of high fibre food after lunch to help digest the food properly.

Beet Root to Stimulate Peristalsis: Beetroot has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties that help food to digest and make immune system strong. Beetroot also stimulates the working mechanism of peristalsis, which promotes digestion and even the digestion of fats. This fruit is rich in betaine, and it is thought to be beneficial for good digestive health like improve digestion by keeping stomach acid normal. It also helps to reduce bloating, control yeast, bacterial growth and prevent food intolerances.

Natural Probiotics that Stimulate Peristalsis: Many studies found that, if an individual doesn’t have probiotics, the adverse effect includes constipation, diarrhoea, dehydration and many other digestive disorders. There are plenty of probiotics foods to help peristalsis, and some of them are listed below:

Yogurt: One of the popular probiotic foods is yogurt which is made from the milk of cows, goats or sheep. Yogurt is loaded with minerals, vitamins, and anti-oxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties. These properties also prevent toxic build up that can lead to indigestion and stomach infection.

Miso: It is the traditional Japanese spice made by fermenting soybean, rice, barley, seaweed or other ingredients. If you have been to a Japanese restaurant, you may have tasted miso soup, which is high in amino acids that stimulate the secretion of digestive fluids in the stomach.

Raw Cheese: Cheese which is made up of goat’s milk is particularly high in probiotics, including bifudus, thermophillus, acidophilus and bulgaricus. Many studies have revealed that adding raw cheese in a food can also help you prevent or treat various digestive conditions. Along with that, it can help you to achieve a healthy weight.

Tempeh: This age old soybean item hails from Indonesia and is another wellspring of probiotics. Tempeh is made from soybean by adding a tempeh starter to it. The item is then left to form for a day or two and the outcome is like a cake. Tempeh is regularly deep fried before eating; however be careful, as this can incredibly diminish its dietary benefit.

Intake of Cucumber to Stimulate Peristalsis: Cucumbers are stacked with nutrients, minerals, antioxidant, and have anti-inflammatory properties. Due to the high fibre and water content, cucumbers helps in preventing constipation by softening the stool and supporting smooth defecations. Antioxidant agents also help prevent toxic build-up that can prompt acid reflux and stomach diseases. One can have cucumbers as a salad or add them to smoothies, or juices to enjoy its benefits.

Magnesium Rich Foods to Stimulate Peristalsis: Magnesium helps to maintain the correct level of other minerals in the body, for example, calcium, potassium, and zinc. Heart, muscles, and kidneys all need magnesium to work appropriately. The mineral additionally helps assemble teeth and bones. Some health conditions can caused due to magnesium deficiency, including gastrointestinal illnesses like stomach pain, vomiting, constipation, and dehydration. Some best magnesium rich foods are listed below:

Whole Wheat Bread: Most whole grains are a decent source of magnesium; however, whole wheat flour contains around 160 mg of magnesium in each glass. Utilize whole wheat flour rather than white flour or whole wheat bread at the store.

Cashews: Aside from magnesium, one serving of cashews offers you 10% of your day-to-day iron needs. These nuts are additionally loaded with folate and vitamin K.

Cashews likewise contain fibre, sterols, amino acids, and nutrients – which are all useful for human wellbeing.

Quinoa and Quinoa Seeds: Quinoa is made and eaten like rice. It’s known for its numerous health benefits, including a high protein and mineral content. One measure of cooked quinoa has 118 mg of magnesium.

Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate has 64 mg of magnesium in a 1 oz serving and one square is stacked with antioxidant which is extraordinary for the digestive system. Pick a dark chocolate with 70% cocoa solids to get the maximum benefits.

Magnesium is a typical element in purgatives since it stimulates peristalsis. Green vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, and entire grains are as whole superb sources of magnesium. Other than these, almonds, cashews, spinach, peanuts, dark beans, darker rice, and sweet potatoes are also good sources of magnesium. These substances supplies 42 percent of the day-to-day value of magnesium, and 2,000 calories daily required by the body which is more than per serving of yoghurt consumed.

These listed foods stimulate peristalsis, helps to keep your digestive system strong and makes you feel energetic round the clock.


Although, it is difficult to suddenly change dietary habits, it is something that one needs to consider seriously and make the necessary changes to avoid any health condition. Careful eating isn’t a method or skill, it’s a procedure of figuring out how to connect with what your body truly needs.

Set practical goals and celebrate accomplishments. Avoid the foods that irritate your digestive system and avoid late night eating. Increase the intake of foods that stimulate peristalsis so that your digestion of the food you consume is proper.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:June 3, 2019

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