What Is The Best Diet For Hepatitis E?

The diet for hepatitis is a feeding plan that ensures good nutrition of the person with this disease, in addition to allowing the regeneration of the liver and the improvement of the condition.

Being the liver the organ responsible for purifying the blood and eliminating toxins from it, food is a very important element when taking into account the health of the liver.

Toxics For The Liver

The body ingests a large number of substances that are not beneficial to you and you must get rid of them. Many of these substances are acquired through the food itself: pesticides, nitrites and nitrates, sulfites, additives, excess salt, bad fats, bacteria and parasites, etc.

The most powerful toxins for the organisms are tobacco and alcohol, in the form of beverages of any rank, these substances dissolve in the blood and the liver is in charge of purifying them.

It is recommended to avoid foods with many aflatoxins such as peanuts; these mycotoxins are very toxic to the liver.

What Is The Best Diet For Hepatitis E?

Foods Rich in Antioxidants

These compounds are necessary to carry out the processes of liver detoxification, it is found in fruits and vegetables, especially those of green and orange color, such as oranges, mango, peaches, carrots, pumpkins, broccoli, arugula, etc.

Foods Rich in Proteins at Every Meal

Proteins are essential for the regeneration of the liver, in addition to being rich in vitamin B.

-In vegetarian diets can be obtained from tofu, legumes, and eggs.

-In non-vegetarian diets can be obtained from white meats (chicken, turkey or rabbit), and fish.

-Avoid red and processed meats.

Diet Low in Bad Fats for the Liver

Eliminate high-fat foods (sausages, fried foods, chocolate, butter…) from the diet. It is recommended to perform gentle cooking with little oil; also steaming, boiling food is recommended.

Despite this, the body needs to be provided essential fatty acids: omega 3 and omega 6, through the ingestion of foods with healthy fats found in avocado, virgin olive and sunflower oil (unrefined). The oils should be consumed preferably without cooking (raw) and should be consumed in moderation. Nuts and seeds are healthy for the liver in moderate amounts (without salt and without frying).

Foods with a high nutritional value are considered very adequate since, by providing the purifying principles (vitamins and minerals), they help the liver to fulfill its main function of eliminating toxins.

Among The Specially Highlighted Foods Are Mentioned:

-Artichokes: They are tremendously useful in the regeneration of the liver; they help to free you from hard work by reducing cholesterol. It is convenient to eat them raw in salads to take advantage of all their properties.

If they are boiled, the resulting broth should be drunk so as not to waste their values.

-Medlar: Studies have shown that medlar improves hepatic function; helps to treat fatty liver, fibrosis, liver cirrhosis, as well as hepatitis.

-Garlic and onion: For its bactericidal properties, and ability to eliminate toxins from the body.

-Beetroot: For its high content of antioxidants the beet helps the liver in its depurative function.

Radishes, Turnips, Rucula, Broccoli, and Cabbage: For their content in glucosinolates, these vegetables have interesting antioxidant potential for the diet for the liver.

-Carrot: A diet rich in beta-carotene will help to deflate the liver and detoxify it for its antioxidant and protective effect on the cells. It is recommended to eat a couple of carrots a day, or other foods rich in beta carotene (pumpkins, mangoes, other orange vegetables).

-Oats: Because of its richness in fibers and proteins it helps to eliminate waste from the body, it is also rich in arginine, an antihepatitis component.

-Lychee: This exotic fruit from raspberries is beneficial for the liver.


Liver health can be improved by feeding adequately, along with rest and complete abstinence from alcohol intake; these are the main remedies for the cure of hepatitis.

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 27, 2018

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