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What Are The Ways To Prevent Ocular Melanoma & Does It Reoccur?

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that starts in melanocyte cells of the skin. It is responsible for most skin cancer deaths; a major risk factor is sun overexposure. Among the different types of cancers, ocular melanoma is the rare form of cancer that affects the eye with an incidence of 10 per fifty thousand adults.

The most widespread cancerous primary intraocular growth in adults is uveal melanoma. These melanomas can develop in the choroid, iris and ciliary body. The majority of ocular melanoma is thought to occur by chance and most of them are at some risk of developing this disease.

What Are the Ways To Prevent Ocular Melanoma?

Work-related risks are highly common factors leading to ocular melanoma. If you are in a biochemical industry or a soldering service center, constantly use sunglasses to safeguard your eyes. Fishermen, dairy farmers, and laborers are also at elevated threat. Same as dermatitis melanoma, you can prevent ocular melanoma by avoiding exposure to direct sunlight.1

There are certain strategies with which you can both prevent and early detect ocular melanoma. Some of the preventive measures are:

Reduce UV Exposure- Exposure to UV radiation is the main factor for causing cancer. The best possible technique to protect the eyes from UV is to entirely protect them with safety glasses, eyeglasses or faceguards that absorb UV. In covered work-related conditions where UV sources are used, goggles are recognized as essential safety. Also, tinted lenses should be worn on a bright day.

Regular Exercises- Regular exercise is important because it is a crucial part of keeping your body healthy. Along with having a harmonious nourishing diet, physical activity also reduces your risk for a few of the most predominant health problems.

Eat Right- Healthy eating means eating a variety of foods that give you the nutrients you need to maintain your health, feel good, and have energy. Not only can eating well make you look and feel better, but it can also save you from serious life-threatening conditions

Reduce Stress- Studies have shown that short-term stress boosts the immune system and lower your health risks.

Regular Consultation With An Ophthalmologist- Eye experts are skilled at diagnosing, monitoring and treating a variety of eye conditions. When detected early, there is a cure even for serious conditions.2,3

Does Ocular Melanoma Reoccur?

Does Ocular Melanoma Reoccur?

When melanoma recurs after a period of cutback, it’s contemplated as a relapse. A relapse happens when the tumor comes back after therapy. This can occur weeks, months, or even years after the key or previous melanoma was cured.4

Several cases of ocular melanoma patients were reviewed. However, the occurrence was identified only in few patients. Four out of 5 patients had distant metastases when the local relapse was identified, and the remaining patient also advanced metastases after a period. These statistics do not favor the theory of suppression of a primary implant at the moment of enucleation.

The period between primary to initial general metastasis was a substantial unbiased predictor of survival time from first systemic metastasis. The median survival time for patients with delayed metastatic relapse after a decade or higher was considerably extensive than for patients who had an intermediate or premature systemic relapse.

Local recurrence is influenced by cell type. The overall incidence of the mixed-cell type of melanoma can occur after prolonged periods. Patients who survive 10 years or more without tumor metastasis after treatment for primary uveal melanoma cannot be considered cured. The projection scenario stays inadequate for patients with metastatic uveal melanoma.5,6


  1. Can Eye Cancer Be Prevented? – American Cancer Society https://www.cancer.org/cancer/eye-cancer/causes-risks-prevention/prevention.html
  2. OMF – Screening & Prevention – Ocular Melanoma Foundation http://www.ocularmelanoma.org/screening.htm
  3. Eye cancer: what you need to know – Versant Health https://versanthealth.com/blog/eye-cancer-what-you-need-to-know/
  4. Delayed systemic recurrence of uveal melanoma – NCBI https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4574291/
  5. Treating Eye Melanoma by Location and Size https://www.cancer.org/cancer/eye-cancer/treating/uveal-melanoma.html
  6. Local recurrence of choroidal malignant melanoma following enucleation https://bjo.bmj.com/content/bjophthalmol/65/12/846.full.pdf

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:April 8, 2022

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