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Is Optic Neuritis A Serious Condition & Can It Be Reversed?

Optic neuritis is often a warning sign of multiple sclerosis, a long-lasting condition that can affect your brain, spinal cord, and the optic nerves in your eyes. Certain conditions such as autoimmune neuropathies, compressive neuropathies, inflammatory conditions, and infections can lead to optic neuritis.

In many instances, optic neuritis is short-lived and resolved on its own even without treatment. The patient’s symptoms improve when the inflammation subsides. However, eye conditions can be serious when the ailment is left untreated.

Is Optic Neuritis A Serious Condition?

The major symptom of optic neuritis is vision loss, typically in one eye, frequently arising within hours to a couple of days. The symptoms may range from blurred vision and inability to identify colors or less vivid vision than usual. In general, the vision loss is temporary however can be permanent in some cases.

Is Optic Neuritis A Serious Condition & Can It Be Reversed

Optic neuritis is presumed based on the specific history of eye pain and vision loss. A computed tomography (CT) scan or a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan can assist physicians to ascertain if an individual has optic neuritis. The onset is generally with pain on eye movement in one retina and subacute visual damage.

Problems arise out of optic neuritis may involve optic nerve impairment. Several patients have some enduring optic nerve impairment after an incidence of optic neuritis; however, the harm may perhaps not initiate long-lasting symptoms. When you have serious medical problems seek immediate medical attention.1,2 This includes

  • Pain in the eye or vision problem particularly if it occurs after your body temperature has risen
  • Your symptoms don’t improve with treatment
  • Rare warning signs such loss of vision in both the eyes, blurry vision and inability to sense your limbs which is often a condition of a neurologic disorder.
  • The unusual response of the pupil when exposed to bright light

The indications of optic neuritis can change broadly in severity. Several serious optic nerve infection results in more visible symptoms. However, you need not panic when you have severe symptoms that it will last forever.Optic neuritis typically resolves initially but often recurs. A prudent, clinical examination of the eye can usually identify optic neuritis even in the non-appearance of symptoms.3

Can Optic Neuritis Be Reversed?

Medical studies show that the new drug reverses the damage caused by optic neuritis. It has the potential of creating balance and vision problems for patients according to researchers.

The condition arises when myelin, an insulating layer that forms around the nerves and protects the nerves from damage thus, making the nerves visible. This eventually results in signaling problems between the central nervous system and spinal cord.

The initial onset of optic neuritis is the retina stops sending electrical signals to the brain, causing vision loss.

However, with the advancement of medical sciences,a new drug has been innovated, called anti-LINGO-1, that has the potential to repair myelin and profoundly enhancing the nerve signals and entirely rebuilding function in certain instances.

Treatment for optic neuropathy may reduce the progression of impairment, although the patient will not recover the vision you lost. If you are suffering from an underlying medical condition, identifying and curing will reduce damage to your vision. This research is breathtaking since it is the first to determine the potential healing of that protective coating in individuals with chronic demyelination from multiple sclerosis.

Although the progress in vision seems fairly small, this research is favorable since it is the first time a drug has been shown to possibly reverse the damage and enhance the body’s innate mechanisms of repair.4,5


  1. Optic Neuritis Causes, Treatment, Diagnosis & Symptoms https://www.medicinenet.com/optic_neuritis/article.htm
  2. Optic neuritis – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/optic-neuritis/symptoms-causes/syc-20354953
  3. Optic Neuritis: When MS Affects Your Vision https://www.webmd.com/multiple-sclerosis/optic-neuritis-ms-vision#1
  4. Over-the-Counter Drug May Reverse Chronic Vision Damage Caused by Multiple Sclerosis https://www.aan.com/PressRoom/Home/PressRelease/1454
  5. Optic Neuropathy: What Is It & Can You Reverse It? https://www.nvisioncenters.com/conditions/optic-neuropathy/

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 15, 2022

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