An inflammation that leads to the burning, itching and redness of the eyes is termed as ocular rosacea. People who have rosacea of skin of the face are usually the ones affected by ocular rosacea. It also may so happen that ocular rosacea is the first sign of the facial rosacea that may develop later.(1)
Who Is At Risk For Ocular Rosacea?
Those having rosacea of skin are usually the ones being more at risk of developing ocular rosacea. However, it can also be seen in people without the rosacea of the skin. Ocular rosacea is seen to be affecting people of all genders equally. It is also speculated that those having rosacea who blush very easily, are more likely to develop symptoms of ocular rosacea as well.(1)
Is There A Blood Test For Ocular Rosacea?
Ocular rosacea is primarily a clinical diagnosis. No tests or procedures are required to diagnose this condition. Usually, on the basis of symptoms and signs, the doctor is able to diagnose ocular rosacea.(2)
The accurate reason for ocular rosacea is not yet known. However, some reasons are speculated, and ocular rosacea may develop because of one or many of these reasons. These reasons consist of the following-
- Inherited factors
- Environmental causes
- Involvement of bacteria
- A blockage in the glands in eyelids
- Eyelash mites
Some reasons may exacerbate skin rosacea. These factors can intensify ocular rosacea as well. These triggering factors consist of the following –
- Alcoholic beverages
- Spicy and hot foods
- Exposure to extreme sunlight or wind
- Exposure to extreme temperatures
- Sentiments like anger, stress, embarrassment, mortification, etc.
- Arduous physical exercises
- Sauna baths or baths with extremely hot water
Some medicines like those that dilate the blood vessels
Whenever left untreated, ocular rosacea can prompt damage to your cornea. This is particularly conceivable in the event that you experience the ill effects of dry eyes because of the absence of tears. In the event that the cornea is influenced, it might lead to vision issues. Blepharitis or inflammation of the eyelids can prompt an optional bothering of the cornea. Extreme confusions of the cornea can cause a dream misfortune.(1)
Treatment Of Ocular Rosacea
The signs and symptoms of ocular rosacea can be controlled or managed with the assistance of drugs and eye care. There, however, is no remedy for ocular rosacea. This condition, as a rule, remains long-lasting and can reoccur even if it appears to be reducing.
A few antibiotics may help you with temporary help. Agents like antibiotic medication, for e.g. doxycycline, erythromycin and so on are generally recommended for this reason.
Prevention Of Ocular Rosacea
Since the explanation behind ocular rosacea isn’t known, it is difficult to arrest it before it starts. Furthermore, since by far most of the theorized causes, like heredity, biological or ecological components, etc. can’t be avoided completely, it makes it difficult to thwart ocular rosacea. All things considered, certain segments like bacterial infections, etc. can be avoided if good cleanliness and tidiness are kept up, and the flare-ups of this condition can be forestalled. Not touching the eyes without washing the hands prior, can help a great deal in thwarting the flare-ups of ocular rosacea.
Staying away from various segments like spicy and hot foods and beverages, alcoholic drinks, intense wind or sunlight, ridiculous temperatures, unprecedented sentiments like stress, shock, etc. a couple of prescriptions and so forth can help in evasion of flare-ups of ocular rosacea.
Those having skin rosacea are at an increased risk of developing ocular rosacea. That said, those unaffected by skin rosacea can also develop this condition. Ocular rosacea is a clinical diagnosis. There is no special blood test to diagnose this condition.
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- How Dangerous Is Ocular Rosacea & Is It Contagious?