What is Runner’s High?
Runner’s High is a sensation of extreme elation that follows after or during an exercise. It is caused due to various chemical reactions that occur in the brain and body when a person is exercising. The best example of a Runner’s High is the feeling of extreme satisfaction after a good hard run. Some experts state that it is the endorphins that are at play when we speak about Runner’s High. Additionally, people also experience a significant decline in any stress or pain due to Runner’s High.[1,2]
A person starts to experience Runner’s High about 30 minutes into the exercise routine, although the exact time may differ. It is the regularity with which a person exercises that determines and their overall stamina which determines how quickly he or she may experience Runner’s High. This immense feeling of satisfaction and elation is mainly associated with running, but aerobics, cycling and swimming also offer a similar feeling.[1,2] The article below highlights some of the causes of Runner’s High.
What Is The Mechanism Behind Runner’s High?
There is a lot that goes within the body and the brain while exercising that brings about Runner’s High. During exercising the heart rate increases and the breathing becomes heavy. The heart goes into overdrive to pump in oxygen into the brain and other important parts of the body. The body then releases flurry of hormones called endorphins. The function of endorphins is to decrease stress and provide a sense of satisfaction and a “feel good” factor. This forms the basis of Runner’s High.[1]
Some research work done on this topic states that there is a percentage of athletes who never experience Runner’s High at all, stating that it is quite a rare phenomenon. They state that instead of feeling elated, many athletes feel exhausted or even nauseated after a long run. This contradicts the theory that endorphins play a role in changing the mood of a person. Additionally, it has also not been proven that the endorphins ever cross the blood brain barrier so its contribution towards mood change remains questionable.[1]
The researchers have proposed an alternate theory for experiencing Runner’s High. They state that this feeling of elation post exercise is caused due to endo-cannabinoids. This is a biochemical produced naturally by the body that functions like a cannabinoid and provides a sense of elation during or after an exercise. The mechanism of working of endo-cannabinoid is explained as exercise increases levels of this biochemical in the blood but unlike endorphins endo-cannabinoid breaks the blood brain barrier thereby promoting psychoactive effects which alters the mood of a person and he or she feels a sense of calm about them.[1]
What Causes Runner’s High?
As stated above, it is the chemicals released during exercising or running that explains as to why Runner’s High occurs. The chemicals mainly involved with it include the following:
Endorphins: While exercising, the body releases endorphins in the blood. It has many positive effects on the body of which some include pain reduction, promoting a sense of happiness and pleasure, stress reduction, and improving anxiety. These effects bring about a sense of elation during or after exercise especially running causing Runner’s High.[2]
Endo-Cannabinoids: As explained above, endo-cannabinoids is a biochemical which is also released by the body in the blood. It has a function similar to that of the cannabis. It cross the blood brain barrier and activates the neurotransmitters that affect the mood of a person. This brings about a remarkable change in mood of a person with exercise. However, more research needs to be done to find out the exact mechanism that works in causing Runner’s High.[2]
Dopamine: Some old researchers also believe that dopamine plays a role in Runner’s High. They came up with a theory that exercising activates certain pathways in the brain that have a positive effect on the mood. This is because of a hormone called dopamine. These nerve pathways are the same that get activated with drug or alcohol use which gives the person a sense of feeling “High.” This is the reason why many researchers are now batting for recommending running as a means of therapeutic treatment for people with alcohol or drug use disorders.[2]
Leptin: A study conducted on mice has shown that decreased level of leptin may increase the motivation of a person to run or exercise more. Leptin is a hormone that regulates hunger. The higher the leptin levels more full a person feels. The study done on mice showed that mice which had lower leptin levels were able to run more on a running wheel than mice which had increased levels of leptin. This result has led researchers to look for a possible link between leptin and Runner’s High. However, more research needs to be done in this regard.[2]
In summary, Runner’s High is a sensation of elation and satisfaction that a person feels after exercising, especially running. Generally, a person starts experiencing Runner’ High about half an hour into exercising. There are many theories that are floating around with regard to why this occurs. Release of the hormone endorphins is the most likely cause of Runner’s High according to some experts.[1,2]
Another theory suggests release of endo-cannabinoids as the reason of Runner’s Thigh as this chemical activates neurotransmitters in the brain that promote elation and pleasure. Some researchers also opine that the hormone leptin which regulates hunger and satiety also has a part to play but more research needs to be done to definitively confirm its role in experiencing Runner’s Thigh.[1,2]
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