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Why Some People Do Not Sweat When Exercising?

Some people feel that sweat is the workout glow. However, some people complain about not sweating enough even after exercising. Sweating is a normal thing and it is a healthy function of the body that helps us cool down. Sometimes, you might be a little embarrassed if you sweat too much. However, if you do not sweat, there might be some issues. When we exercise, we sweat and that is obvious in most cases. However, some people do not sweat when exercising. If you want to know more about this regard then take a look beyond this and know, “why some people do not sweat when exercising?”

Why Some People Do Not Sweat When Exercising?

Why Some People Do Not Sweat When Exercising?

Without sweating, our body won’t reach a stable temperature and can overheat. This can lead to heatstroke, exhaustion, and in some cases even death. Lack of sweating is known as Anhidrosis or hypohidrosis. Though mild cases might not be of any danger, extreme cases could be dangerous.

It is hard to diagnose anhidrosis or hypohidrosis, but it is known that certain rare conditions like Fabry’s disease or skin damage might cause the condition of anhidrosis or lack of sweating.(1) But again, this is not only the cause why some people do not sweat when exercising. Discover more reasons for it below.

  1. They Are Not Exerting Themselves Enough:

    Are you exercising enough that you feel the exertion? One thing is true the amount of exertion is known to directly affect the metabolic rate, heart rate, heat generation, and also the amount of sweat that is generated.

    If someone is not reaching for weights that challenge them during weight training, or if they are not pedaling enough on the stationary bike, it might be possible that they are not exerting themselves enough and thus might not be sweating when exercising.

  2. Dehydration Might Be A Cause:

    One more reason why some people do not sweat when exercising could be dehydration. This is common, especially during the summer days. You might not sweat because you do not have enough water in the body to carry out normal bodily functions. So, every individual needs to remain hydrated by drinking plenty of water and other fluids.

  3. It Might Be The Environment Where They Are Exercising:

    Most people sweat more in humid and warm environments, while they sweat less in dry and cold environments. If someone is not sweating during the workout, it might be because of the environment.

  4. It Might Be Due To Specific Medications:

    Certain medications including diuretics, some commonly used medicines for allergies, blood pressure, pain, and certain antidepressants can also be one of the causes why some people do not sweat when exercising.

    According to the Cleveland Clinic, it is said that medications like antipsychotics can affect the functioning of sweat glands and result in hypohidrosis.(2)

    However, as per the International Hyperhidrosis Society, there is only limited data on the true prevalence of hypohidrosis, since it is suspected that many mild cases go undiagnosed.(3) The practice guidelines of 2016 published in “The Journal of Dermatology” mentions that cases are extremely rare and it is suspected that many of them go unreported.(4)

  5. Certain Skin Conditions Could Be A Reason For Not Sweating When Exercising:

    Anhidrosis or lack of sweating during exercise can also be caused because of specific skin conditions, like injuries, infections, psoriasis, and also bug bites.

    Our body consists of 2.6 eccrine sweat glands on every part of the skin. When we exercise or when our body gets heated up, the ANS or autonomic nervous system tells these sweat glands to start perspiring. However, conditions that negatively impact the skin can affect these glands and one’s ability to perspire.

  6. Other Medical Conditions:

    Specific medical conditions can also be one reason why some people do not sweat when exercising. Because our autonomic nervous system controls sweat response, certain diseases that are responsible for damaging nerves, such as diabetesGuillain-Barre and Horner’s syndrome, and alcoholism, can cause hypohidrosis or anhidrosis.

    Some other medical conditions that might cause anhidrosis include Parkinson’s diseaseSjogren’s disease or lupus, Fabry disease, and some Thyroid diseases.

How To Increase Sweating During Exercise?

Remaining Hydrated:

One of the most important things that need to be done to increase sweating when exercising is to stay properly hydrated. Make sure you have enough water before and during and also after your workouts.

Avoid Things That Dehydrates The Body

You should avoid extreme temperatures and the use of drugs and also moderate the amount of alcohol that you intake.

Choosing The Right Activity:

You should choose the right clothing and avoid the activities that might put you at risk of being unable to sweat or cool down. You should also try to do more workouts, especially the activities that exert you.


Though you should not worry if you experience less amount of sweat, you should always pay attention if you notice any changes in the ways you sweat, especially if you do not sweat even after intense exercise. Make sure you consult with a doctor, get a proper diagnosis, and seek medical care if required.


Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:October 15, 2022

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