Gas is formed when the digestion process does not go smoothly. There are can several reasons for the production of gas in the body. Gas can be formed due to medicines, illnesses, old age, gastrointestinal disorders like IBS, stress, smoking, taking in a gulp of air while swallowing of food. Among all these reasons, the primary cause of gas production is due to indigestion from various kinds of foods. Usually foods that are difficult to digest are cereals (like wheat), sugar, bread and various kinds of nuts like peanuts.
Do Peanuts Cause Gas?
One ounce of peanuts which comes to a handful contains at least two grams of fibre. Even though dietary fibre is important as it slows down the absorption procedure of the nutrients & helping to take in more nutrients and keeping a regular work flow of the digestive tract, too much fibre may disrupt the same. Peanuts are known to contain a large amount of fibre and if taken in all at once especially if the body is not used to so much fibre usually, digestive problems will arise. One of the main and usual symptoms of digestive issue is production of gas. Hence peanuts can lead to gas formation if taken in a large amount. In order to take in more fibre, you have to slowly develop your body to it. The fibre intake in your food needs to increase slowly therefore. The man’s body needs 35 grams of fibre and a woman’s body needs 25 grams daily. Even if having just a handful of peanuts cause no disturbance, taking in peanuts with food having high fibre content may lead to the production of gas in your body.
Why Do Peanuts Cause Gas?
One of the main contents in peanuts other than fibre is phytic acid or phytate. This refers to the storage of phosphorus within the peanut which helps the plant to grow. Even though the amount of phytate within the peanuts varies, it is definitely one of the top places of phosphorus. It is often seen that phytate cannot be digested smoothly or it is tough to digest. Therefore it often causes digestive disorders with symptoms like the production of gas. The main disadvantage of phytate is that is prevents or inhibits the process of smooth digestion by preventing the proper breakdown of food into smaller and simpler particles to be digested easily. It further interferes with the procedure of absorbing iron, calcium and zinc. Overall this leads to gas formation and bloating. Phytate is also referred as a toxin which prevents the breakdown of complex proteins and carbs leading to formation of gas.
Other than fibre and phytate, peanuts also contain fats. One of main foods that lead to gas formation in people is carbohydrates and fats. Even though peanuts are less on carbohydrates, the amount of fat is high in peanuts. Though our digestive system may find it easier to digest protein and fat than carbohydrates, overall peanuts may cause discomfort like gas, flatulence and bloating. Another reason for gas formation due to peanuts is if you are allergic to it.
How are Peanuts Helpful?
Even though peanuts may lead the production of gas in your system, peanuts contain unsaturated fats which help to treat cholesterol by bringing down the level of the bad cholesterol. Other good contents of peanuts are vitamin E, folate, protein, magnesium, potassium and zinc. Taking in about 1.5 ounces of peanuts daily may lead to the reduction of heart disease as suggested by the U.S Food and Drug Administration. It is important to understand that every human body functions differently so peanuts may not be easily digested by some digestive systems unlike others.