Do Grapes Cause Gas?
As stated by the National Digestive Disease Information Clearinghouse or NDDIC, everyone suffers from gas. Gas is a common symptom which occurs mainly when the breakdown of food during the digestion does not happen properly. Even though gas is not very harmful it can cause terrible stomach pains. Usually the gas formed in our body is released by the mouth of anus (this procedure is known as flatulence). Our body tries to absorb as much as nutrients as possible but the ones not absorbed are released from the body. Grapes contain fructose. Fructose is one such nutrient that cannot be easily digested and absorbed. Since grapes are high in fructose, grapes cause gas.
How Can Grapes Cause Gas?
Our small intestines contain various enzymes to break down various nutrients. There is a certain kind of enzyme required to break down fructose. People who lack this enzyme are intolerant towards fruits. Therefore Fructose intolerance can occur in you if you have a lot of grapes. If you are highly fructose intolerant, you are even suggested by the National Institute of Health to avoid having grapes and other fruits in order to prevent liver and kidney damage. The first symptom of fructose intolerance caused due to grapes is the production of gas. If mal-absorption occurs in your system only with grapes but not with other fruits, then you are not fructose intolerant.
Other than being intolerant of fruits or fructose (in which case you will not be able to have any kind of fruit) if you only suffering from gas when you have grapes, it can be due to salicylates. Some people are sensitive to salicylic acid or salicylates which are found in certain fruits like grapes. Researchers confirm the presence of salicylates in all kinds of plants and in some fruits like grapes. The function of salicylates is to prevent and protect the plant and its produces from the attack of harmful bacteria, fungi and from rotting. Some of the other medicinal uses of compounds of salicylates include making health products, beauty products and medications for pain. Even though salicylates are helpful compounds, some people are sensitive to these. Sensitivity of salicylates can lead to the cause of abdominal pain, hives, congestion and swelling face and feet but the most common reaction is the production of gas.
How Do Grapes Trigger The Formation Of Gas?
More than 50% of the people in the populated and developed countries suffer from various poor digestive conditions. The NDDIC report mentions that ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome and gastrointestinal infections are very common in people these days. Grapes are acidic in nature (the pH level is low) and this citrus quality is known to trigger symptoms are reactions of these diseases. Production of gas is one of the most common and noticeable symptoms of IBS, ulcer or gastric infections. Bloating, abdominal pain, gas and cramping in the large intestine are caused by IBS. Grapes also contain fructose which cannot be easily digested and hence results in the formation of gas. If you already a patient of IBS, a flare-up may occur when fructose enters and triggers your system.
What to do if You are Suffering From Gas?
If your stomach problems remains for more than 24 hours or stretches up to 48 hours, then you should visit a doctor immediately. A doctor can help you reduce the symptoms of gastrointestinal reflux which includes production of gas. Production of gas can also occur due to some infection caused due to ingestion and you might not feel the air pass out and rather develop a rigid belly which is not tender when touched. The gas remains trapped within the system and any kind of trigger food like grapes may cause further discomfort.