5 Best Cosmetic Procedures for Hair Loss
Hair loss in both men and women is caused by multiple factors and many people opt for many different remedies and cosmetic treatments to reverse baldness and facilitate hair growth. People suffering from different variations of alopecia or extreme hair loss are not satisfied with natural remedies for hair growth because of the considerable amount of time taken to show results. In such circumstances, individuals often turn to effective cosmetic procedures that can reverse hair thinning and baldness in little time. These cosmetic procedures primarily involve different methods of surgery in a clinical setting and could be considered expensive, however, the positive results and a full mop of hair on the head make them an attractive proposition for many with baldness and thinning hair problems. Non-surgical procedures are also quite popular.
Ideal Candidates for Cosmetic Procedures for Hair Loss
Many people opt for surgical procedures for hair restoration. A vast majority of these people are men who suffer from male pattern baldness, followed by women with female pattern hair loss, and then individuals who lose hair as the result of scarring on the scalp due to burns or other accidents. It’s easy to see how these issues cannot be resolved with over the counter medications or natural remedies, which is why cosmetic procedures for hair loss are an inevitable solution. Let’s take an impartial look into the 5 best cosmetic procedures for hair loss and regeneration. Read further to know more..
Hair Grafting
Hair grafting or hair transplants are one of the most widely accepted solutions for hair replacement. This cosmetic procedure is a billion dollar industry all over the world with a reputation of being effective and relatively painless. Hair grafting is a minor surgical procedure which generally takes place at the clinic of a cosmetic surgeon. Anesthesia to the scalp is required while sedation is optional; depending on patient request and need for comfort. Hair grafting is of various kinds that are dictated by the number of hairs being grafted onto the scalp at a time. Micro grafting is the procedure that transplants one or two hair onto the scalp at a time, slit grafts transplant four to ten hairs and punch grafts can effectively replace ten to fifteen hairs at a time. Hair grafting almost always requires multiple sittings to create a full head of hair and hair from other areas of the scalp are grafted onto the balding areas. Hair grafting is a minor yet fully fledged a surgical procedure that requires removal of the scalp hence discomfort and pain that is treated with pain killers post surgery is expected.
Scalp Reduction
When hair fails to cover the complete surface of the scalp; it gives the impression of baldness. Scalp reduction cosmetic surgery works on this principle to give the illusion of equally distributed hair, all over the scalp. During the course of this surgical procedure, the scalp is reduced and stretched out hence eliminating patchy bald spots. This is once again a surgical procedure that requires local anesthesia and sedation if the candidate makes a request for it. Post surgery, the patient might experience mild headaches and tightness of the scalp but this usually resolves itself in a few months. Unlike hair grafting, scalp reduction is followed by a little more pain immediately post surgery and may require stronger painkillers based on the cosmetic surgeons advice.
Laser Therapy
Laser therapy is used in a wide range of cosmetic procedures and the same applies to hair loss. However, laser therapy is not as popular as hair grafting or scalp reduction and clinical studies have failed to produce sufficient proof for their effectiveness. Having made this point; it is important to state that laser treatments for hair loss are still widely practiced by cosmetic clinics though not approved by the FDA which is the food and drug regulatory body in America.
Many individuals bypass invasive surgery and opt for help in the form of cosmeses. This generally involves the latest wigs that are hard to distinguish from real hair. Cosmeses which is an umbrella term for fault correct cosmetic products and props, is a billion dollar industry with a substantial contribution towards providing relief from hair loss and male and female pattern baldness.
Three over the counter drugs are gaining popularity for their effectiveness in facilitating hair growth and preventing further hair loss. Minoxidil which requires topical application is the FDA approved medication for androgenetic hair loss in men and women. Antiandrogens like Finasteride and Dutasteride are also widely accepted oral medications for hair loss however they are known to have negative side effects in certain cases. Ketoconazole is known to help treat alopecia in women in some cases.