How Long Does It Take To Get Results From an STI Test?

Testing for sexually transmitted infection requires a test that allows a doctor to identify any bacteria that spread through intercourse. The testing procedure is painless and straightforward. As many of the infections do not show any signs of their presence, it is necessary to take the STI test. It thus helps in identifying the disease (if present) in an early stage, which allows the doctor to chalk out the treatment plan accordingly.

Who Should Take the STI Test?

If you are active in the sexual life, then it is advisable to take the STI test often. As many of the infections do not show any symptoms, it will be difficult to tell about the presence of a disease. To prevent advancement, taking the test is preferable. You can contact your doctor or arrange the inspection in a sexual health clinic.

Is it Good to Take a Test?

It is a good idea to take the sexually transmitted test if:

  • You are active in sexual life
  • You have multiple sex partners
  • You have unprotected sex often
  • You had a condom break or fallen off during sex
  • Your partner had/has sex partners
  • You shared sex toys
  • You shared injecting equipment
  • You are beginning a new relationship

Do you Need Insurance or Medicare Card?

A few clinics ask for Medicare card while others do not. Checking with the clinic will be helpful before making an appointment. An individual aged 15 years and above entitles for Medicare card. If you do not have one, you can head to the Medicare office with the necessary identification document, fill up the application form, and submit the same.

What happens During the Test?

A doctor or a nurse qualified to handle STD test will attend you. They begin the session by asking a series of questions related to your sexual life. A few of the questions will be personal, such as:

  • Sexual orientation (straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual)
  • Sexual practices
  • Sex partners


  • Use of injected drugs
  • Any body piercing and tattoos

Although the questions are personal, it is crucial to speak openly with the doctor or the nurse. The information that you will share during the session remains confidential. It is also the best time to ask questions related to sexual health and prevention of STDs and STIs.

After collecting the information, the doctor or the nurse will begin with the examination. The physical examination includes checking the genital region, mouth, vagina, and anus for signs of STIs. For males, they collect a urine sample for accurate assessment of the situation. For females, the nurse uses a cotton swab to collect vaginal discharge. A few of the infections such as hepatitis and HIV require the collection of blood to test for the diseases.

How Long Does It Take To Get Results From an STI Test?

After collection of the sample by the doctor or the nurse, they begin the analysis in the laboratory. It needs at least a week for the results. If the results are positive, the doctor speaks about the condition and the treatment procedure necessary to reduce the growth of the bacteria. At the same point, he will suggest you to ask your partner or partners to take the test and attend the treatment. Known as contact tracing, the process ensures that you keep away the same person, which helps from re-occurrence of the infection. In certain circumstances, the doctor may begin the treatment before the arrival of results.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:April 26, 2018

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