Trichomoniasis tops the chart of sexually transmitted infections list. The infection occurs due to the parasite trichomona. As stated, it is a sexually transmitted infection. Therefore, it passes from one to another during intercourse. The risk of acquiring it is high in women, especially African-American origin when compared with men.
Identifying the illness in its initial stage is not possible, as the infection does not show any signs. In fact, people carrying the parasite are unaware that they have one.
Is Trichomoniasis Always Sexually Transmitted?
Is the infection sexually transmitted always? Trichomoniasis is sexually transmitted disease. It means if you have the parasite and participate in sexual intercourse, you are passing the parasite to your partner. However, not always the parasite passes through intercourse. You are bound to have the parasite in your body or pass it to your partner when you use contaminated sex toys, place contaminated hands in the genital region, have a vagina-to-vagina contact, and vagina-penis contact.
Even though you do not participate in intercourse, you can pass the infection-causing parasite to your partner. Therefore, it is always crucial to enjoying sexual encounters with proper protection. Using condom is advisable to prevent trichomoniasis, AIDS and HIV. A point to remember is that if you have trichomona parasite, the risk of having AIDS and HIV is high.
General Symptoms
Although it is not possible to identify trichomoniasis, it shows symptoms when you reach the advanced stage (exposure to the parasite greater than 28 days). The general signs include swelling of the genital region, pain during intercourse, irritation, and itchiness.
Identifying the infection in an early stage is not possible, as the parasite does not show any symptoms. The only way to learn about its presence is by taking a test.
Diagnosis involves the collection of the urine sample (the first 20 ml of the urine) and cells from the genital region. A doctor or the nurse will take the sample of the cells using a cotton swab. Lab technician will dip the same in a saline solution and then observe it under the microscope. Alternatively, the nurse or the doctor will collect the sample of the discharging fluid (in women) using the cotton swab.
Preparation for the Test
As the test involves the collection of cells from the genital region, it is preferable to head to the clinic or the testing facility without taking a bath. Additionally, you should keep away from using powder and other products that cover the area. Use of the products will make it difficult for diagnosing the presence of the parasite. If you are heading for the urine examination, you have to hold the urine for at least an hour before you collect the specimen.
Treating trichomoniasis is possible with the use of the metronidazole, which is an antibiotic. The doctor can prescribe the medicine for a week or give a single pill of 2000 mg. The doctor will collect another sample of the cells from the genital region to check for the parasite.
Stopping the Infection
As it is not possible to know the presence of the infection, taking a diagnosis of the same in a timely fashion is preferable. Additionally, participating in sexual encounters using precautions is necessary. Using condom not only prevents trichomona parasite from entering the body, but also prevents AIDS and HIV. It thus protects you from acquiring the infection as well as stop its spread to others. Fortunately, there is a cure available for trichomoniasis. However, being a responsible adult, it is your duty to take the test.
Luckily, the infection is curable. However, as a responsible adult, it is your duty to take STI and STD tests from time to time to check for trichomoniasis and other sexually transmitted diseases.
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