Mosquitoes are usually active at the dawn and dusk time of the day. Female mosquitoes transmit diseases like malaria, dengue, etc. through their saliva, by feeding on human blood. They need certain proteins present in the blood to produce eggs. Male mosquitoes do not bite humans, they derive their food from nectar or other sweet liquids obtained from the plant. Their bites cause swelling, itching and bleeding when scratched. These reactions settle on their own in 24 hours. In some sensitive people, they cause severe allergic reactions on the skin that may require treatment.
What Are Mosquitoes Attracted To?
Mosquitoes are most active at night and are attracted to human beings by following things-
Fragrances – mosquitoes are attracted to certain fragrances. These fragrances can be perfumed from perfumed shampoos, perfumes, soaps, hand creams, detergents, fabric softeners etc. unscented versions of these things should be used to avoid mosquito bites in summer.
Dark clothes – mosquitoes have a vision and they use them to find out their targets from a distance. They are mostly found in shades and foliage. They are attracted to dark colors and people who wear dark clothes.
Sweat – mosquitoes are attracted to high humid areas that have high moisture. This is because mosquito requires water to reproduce. So, people’s perspiration is attractive to mosquitoes. Moreover, human sweat may dilute the mosquito repellents applied to the body.
Carbon dioxide – the carbon dioxide level is higher in the air at night. It is exhaled through our breath more at night. Mosquitoes are attracted to areas that are high in carbon dioxide. They can detect a higher concentration of carbon dioxide from a distance of 150 feet or more.
Body heat – circulating blood in the body release heat that comprises the body heat. Mosquitoes sense them through their heat sensors. They are attracted to body heat and exhaled gases.
Lactic acid – mosquitoes are attracted to lactic acids. They are released when human perform vigorous physical activities or exercises or even after we consume food that has higher levels of salt or potassium. Mosquitoes are more attracted to those people who have eaten a banana than a watermelon.
Exercises– when human perform exercises; mosquitoes are more attracted to them. There are three main reasons for this, one is, humans breathe harder and releases more carbon dioxides during exercises, secondly, they sweat a lot that increases the humidity level in the body and thirdly, they release more lactic acids.
Urine – urine contains uric acid and ammonia. These compounds are released by bacteria that live on the skin of humans. They attract mosquito because of their odors.
Mosquitoes are transmitters of diseases like dengue, malaria, encephalitis and yellow fever. They rely on human blood for their reproduction. Female mosquitoes only bite and feed on human blood. They utilize the proteins found in human blood to produce eggs. They feed through their straw-like mouth that pierces the skin and releases anticoagulant liquid. This liquid delays the coagulation of blood making it more favorable for the mosquitoes to drink more blood from the blood vessels found underneath the skin. This causes allergic reactions to the blood that include swelling, itching, and redness on the bitten areas. This usually goes on its own in 24 hours.
Different species of mosquitoes have different cycles of their feeding in day or night, activity and resting. Some species are active in the daylight, particularly in the afternoon. Their bites are often not noticeable. But those mosquitoes that are active in the night (nocturnal blood seekers) are at more benefit than those active in the daytime.
Mosquitoes are carriers of diseases like malaria, yellow fever, etc. They feed on human blood as its proteins are needed for their eggs production. They are attracted to dark clothing, certain odors, sweat, body heat and others discussed above.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – Prevent Mosquito Bites:
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